Cottonbox takes the users to a journey to the future from traditional with the new 2019 spring & summer collection that connects the traditional designs with modern lines. The new series ‘Alaturca’ from Mesopotamia to Middle East, from Anatolia to Balkans reflects the cultural heritage. The pure and natural touch of the cotton meets with lace in the new series ‘Nature’. The spring flowers painted in many colors are being carried to beds by new series ‘Garden’. The ‘Marine’ series is bringing a spacious sleeping ambiance, reflecting all the spirit of the summer.
A nostalgic spirit in beds
Cottonbox, which interprets and uncovers the most beautiful Turkish handmade arts with modern touches with ‘Alaturca’ series, takes its users to old times. Also brings a nostalgic sprit to bedrooms by the creations that give life to sprouting tulips as unforgettable ethnic figures to tiles and to Canvas ‘the crown of all civilizations’. Reflecting the unique beauties of Turkish culture with the new models Çeşminaz brings turqu
oise with traditional designs together and Gülçehre that has been proceeded by figures in many colors. The pearl of ornamentation art, Tulip transforms the bedrooms to a tulip garden with Mahber Mavi design.
Elegant designs in softness of the cotton
Cottonbox prepares the new series ‘Nature’ by the inspiration of the pure softness of the cotton a present of the motherland and it reflects the most elegant creations of the naturalness lace never ending fashion, adding graceful elegancy to bedrooms. Beige, mint and powder color tones in dominance creates a relaxing ambiance. Cottonbox keeps on holding the leadership of the healthiest brand in home textiles by its %100 cotton structure and high quality creations which help to shape pleasant sleeping places. The piques that can be combined with Nature Series products are being essentials of the cool spring evenings of the users.
Wake up in the fragrances of the flowers
The most beautiful tone of the blue, purple and pink meets the flowers of the fields which are the harbingers of the spring season. Cottonbox keeps on carrying the beauties of the mother nature to bedrooms with its new collection. Flower figures which are as if painted like a paint art with the most beautiful colors of the nature are being alive by the new series ‘Garden’ in bedrooms. Cottonbox keeps on renewing the bedrooms by its elegant creations that reflect the freshness of the new season.
Let the sounds of the waves accompany when you sleep
The essentials of the summer collection ‘Marine’ designs invite its users to cool sleeping in hot evenings of the summer. Seagull, sail and sailor figures, which are combined with white and blue colors, give the feel of pleasure of the summer in sleeps. Cottonbox prevents the perspiration by its breathing fabric structure in hot evenings and also gives comfort in sleeps of every season. The users are setting sails to blues with the new designs Neta and Alesto and getting on peaceful sleeps by the sounds of the waves.
#Cottonbox, #hometextile, #pattern, #blue, #sleep, #wakeup, #bedrooms, #season, #spring, #trade, #export, #quilt, #bedlinen