Barcode or RFID?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Yes, right; this question tires you. Although we have answered to this question for over 10 years, it is still worth to write this question as the first subject in our blog. Barcode or RFID, which one do you prefer?

My answer to this question is very clear; “It depends from project to project.” The right definition is, in order to select the technology, barcode or RFID; you have to put forward criteria and performance expectations clearly, frankly and evaluate according to your project.

Upon the nature of their technology, RFID tags’ performance depends on the features/properties of surface that they are attached on. However, barcode tags are not depended like RFID. If you apply RFID tags on the surfaces of metals or materials that includes liquids, you may need sophisticated and special solutions, due to the problems about reading of RFID tags.

Indeed in barcode technology there is no problem like that. However, the readability of barcode does not depend on the surface; metallic or liquid neighbored. Except the physically unreading of bars of the barcode; barcode is a smooth technology and easy to implement.

This situation should not hinder the distinctive business advantages of RFID Technology. RFID technology is used effectively and efficiently in many projects due to its advantages.

Primarily RFID enables many tags to be read in milliseconds. Think of the reading speed of barcodes in a conventional supermarket during a daily shopping. RFID enables tens of faster speed of the conventional barcode reading. Another strength and preferably of RFID is; tens, sometimes hundreds of RFID tags could be read at the same time in a second by eliminating waste of time and work load.

Second impressive feature of RFID is not having a field of vision necessity like in barcode technology. Barcode scanner needs to read the barcode bars, in RFID technology, it is not needed to have a clear sight between the tag and the antenna. RFID tags provides speedy reading without any problems even if it is behind materials like; plastic, paper, tree etc. E.g. it is impossible to read a box of textile products in couple of seconds with barcode technology. RFID provides this in a blink of an eye, which shortens the process, decreases work load and most important saves time in the assembly line or other processes.

In order to select the right defining technology, you have to put forward many criteria and performance expectations clearly and evaluate according to your project.

RFID’s third important advantage is, it enables much longer reading ranges comparing to barcode reading technology. As it differs according to its types and features, we had projects that we experience reading from 10 and even 20 meters with passive RFID tags. With barcode technology, it is rather difficult to perform such a task, even impossible. This situation should not be resulted with the desire of long distance tag reading, even a passion. This range issue is another topic of a blog, such an important problem. I would like to mention about this in the next blogs.

After all these words, lets turn to the intial point. Barcode or RFID? I strongly recommend you to leave the situation to the expert of the business. By contacting us , with our competent team, we can evaluate and decide together which technology, where to assemble, when to implement and how to apply . So that you will save money, time and resources.
