
1- BEN AKON REMIX (Fıstık’ın ölümünün 1. yıldönümü anısına 2011): 1995 yılında doğup 2010 yılında hayatını kaybeden muhabbet kuşum Fıstık’ın anısına E.T. filminin müziği “Someone In The Dark” şarkısıyla bir klip yapmıştım. Bunun üzerine YouTube, Twitter, Facebook gibi siteler üzerinden baş sağlığı mesajları gelmişti.1998 yılında fotoğrafı bir dergide çıkan ve 2008 yılında da televizyonda konuşması yayınlanan Fıstık’ın resmi bu sefer tüm dünyada satışa sunulan bir kitapta basılmıştı. Ayrıca Facebook’taki muhabbet kuşu grubu ana resmini bir süreliğine değiştirip Fıstık’ın resmini koymuştu. Fıstık’ın son 5 senesini belgeleyen O klibin gördüğü ilgi üzerine 2011’de yine bir film müziği olan ve fareye yazılmış “Ben” şarkısıyla 2011 model bir klip yapmaya karar verdim. Ve bu video 24-01-2011 ile 27.01.2013 tarihleri arasında DailyMotion’da 7034 kez izlendi. YouTube’da ise 23.01.2011 ile 24.02.2013 tarihleri arasında 588 kişi izledi. Ocak 2011’de Fıstık’ın ölümünün 1. yıldönümü olduğu için yapmıştım bu klibi aynı zamanda… Onun bebeklik yıllarını özetleyen yeni klibi izlediğinizde yılların Fıso’mu ne kadar çok değiştirdiğine şaşıracaksınız. Bu sefer arka planda kendi konuşmaları da var. 100’ü aşkın kelime biliyordu zaten… Nur içinde yatsın…

2- GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH: I’ve made this video in 28.03.2017. However this video is dedicated to my birthday. My birthday is 22.02.1981. Some firms like Garanti Bank, Yemek Sepeti celebrates their customers’ birthday. The videos are sent automatically but these videos are special for the customer’s birthday or name. That’s why I like the videos and I bringed some of mine together. The second part of this video is created by Snapchat only except a short selfie while it is snowing.

3- PEOPLE MAKE THE WORLD GO ‘ROUND: I think my “People Make The World Go Round” video which was made in 28.03.2017, is one of the funniest videos of mine. Because, in the beginning you can see my Snapchat videos which I imitate Ajdar Anık, Ciguli, Tarık Mengüç, Serdar Ortaç and Gollum. After my Snahchat videos, you can see a little part of “West Side Story” musicial. I’ve been to the musicial, but recording was forbidden. The short seconds were the only screen that I recorded.

4- WE’VE GOT A GOOD THING GOING: I like using social media applications’ effects. I’ve decided to use them in my home-made Michael Jackson videos in 03.05.2016 with “Loving You” song but then I didn’t want to spend Michael Jackson’s adult period songs with these effects. I decided to use his childhood songs just like this video which was made in 07.07.2017. Facestar, Snapchat and Flippy applications are used in “We’ve Got A Good Thing Going” video…

5- EVERYBODY’S SOMEBODY’S FOOL: Facestar application used Michael Jackson’s “Jam” song for NBA basketball section. Usually, I mute the applications’ videos’ sound while making them together in one video but in 08.07.2017, I also made my visitors hear “Jam” song in my “Everybody’s Somebody’s Fool” video… At the end, you can also hear a small part of “Don’t Stop Til’ You Get Enough” because of a Flippy video of mine. I also used Snapchat and MSQRD applications…

6- ▶ MY GIRL on Sing! Karaoke by dnelson82211 and TurgayTST: The original video is at

7- WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND: I like using my social media application videos which are made by effects in my personal music videos. However, I didn’t want to waste Michael Jackson’s songs that are recorded when he was a man. I started using them, then I gave up and started to use his childhood songs. It is better, because I don’t think I can dance with these songs but I like to listening his oldies songs, too. I think they are classics. For example, in 09.07.2017, I used my Facestar, Snapchat, Instagram and Flippy videos as well as a short screen from Auto Show 2017. In that small part, you can see me with the real car used in “Back To The Future” movie series.

8- IN OUR SMALL WAY: I don’t know why, but Michael Jackson put “In Our Small Way” song in his both “Ben” and “Got To Be There” albums. These albums weren’t complication albums. They were studio albums. Yes, most people see that “Off The Wall” is his debut solo album. However, before “Off The Wall”, he made “Ben”, “Got To Be There”, “Forever, Michael” and “Music & Me” albums. He was a child, but these albums are important for me, too. There were some great songs in these albums. That’s why I decided to use my social media videos with the songs from these albums. For example, in this video which was made in 10.07.2017, you can see my Facestar, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp and Flippy videos. One day, when Dream TV showed Michael Jackson’s official “Behind The Mask” video which shows also me 4 times and my bird; I showed my television live in my Instagram story. I also used that part in this video.

9- SHOO-BE-DOO-BE-DOO-DA-DAY: I made this video in 11.07.2017 with my Snapchat, WhatsApp, Flippy, FaceStar application videos but I put this video to Vimeo in 27.11.2017 due to my profile’s limit situations. It is the last video that I put to internet from Michael Jackson’s “Ben” album. Now I can do a page for this album in my web site…

10- YOU CAN CRY ON MY SHOULDER: In 12.07.2017, I created a personal music video which was recorded by Snapchat, Facestar and Flippy applications. I really had fun while using them…

P.S.: You can watch the other “Ben” videos of mine at my #YouTube play list…