Breathe Correctly and Let Your Life Change!

The most important activity you do to go on living is breathing without being aware of. This most important vital function offers many advantages not expected by us if we use it by being aware while exercising because our body needs more oxygen during exercise. This activity is indeed the greatest activity of our lives. It is necessary for our body to take in adequate oxygen by breathing in order for our muscles to produce energy needed. The amount of our breath may change depending on the type and intensity of our exercise. Whatever the amount is, we need to use the correct breathing technology while exercising, in order for the oxygen to reach all the lobes of our lungs.

Say the least of it, the technic we make use while sleeping is the correct breathing technology. In order to use the correct technic while awake, we have to take deeper breath.

Let’s perform an application for a correct breath technology.

Lie down backwards and place one hand on your tummy and the other on the diaphragm.

Try to fill the bottom of your lungs with air. In the meantime, you will see that your tummy is swollen and your hand on it will move upwards. Then, try to fill the middle part of your lungs with air and you will see that your hand on your diaphragm will move towards your side and your rib cage will also extend towards your side. Finally, try to fill the upper part of your lung with air. You will see that your chest will swell and your shoulders will move upwards. When breathing is finished, release the intaken breath from top to bottom. While using the correct breath technics, watch that your breath is natural and spontaneous. You have learned to use your breath correctly at the first step.

Now let’s see the second step. Using the breath correctly is very important while exercising. While performing a strength exercise, you have to give out breath in the difficult part of the exercise. Being different from the aerobic type of exercises, while performing strength exercises, giving out the all the intaken breath activates the muscles in the core area (all the inner and outer muscles that hold the tummy and waist area). Let’s perform an application to understand how this happens. Place your left hand on your belly and right hand under your breast (to the right of the diaphragm) and allow your both hands move by breathing. If you are taking breath correctly, you will see that your belly is swollen and your hand on it will move upwards; your hand on the diaphragm will move towards right (the diaphragm extends to both sides during breathing). Then give out a strong breath to empty your lungs. If you take out all the air in your lungs, you will feel with your hands that your tummy muscles are stretched and you will feel the strain deep in your tummy. You can double the benefits of exercise by means of this simple activity. By using the breathing technologies in your strength exercises, you will ensure continuous working of your tummy muscles and thus your waist area can be formed in a short time. One of the most important yoga principles is breathing. You also be aware of your breath and control it while you are exercising or during your daily life in order to make more of this life energy.