Certificate equivalency in Turkey 2020-2021

As a result of the large influx of foreign students to the Turkish state in order to enroll in one of its public and private universities, the Turkish government was forced to allow them to equalize their degrees so that they could either complete their studies or work. But what is the equivalency mechanism for those certificates? What are the required documents and what are the conditions that must be met in order for this to happen? Through the following article, we will provide you with all the details related to this topic accurately.

What does the equivalency of the certificate in Turkey mean?

This certificate is equalized at the Turkish Higher Education Institution in the capital, Ankara, in order to verify the validity of this certificate from the country of origin, as well as to verify the rate mentioned on the certificate.

The modification mechanism is a comprehensive exam that the student is subject to, and when he passes this exam, he receives an official paper in recognition of this and is called (Dinklik).

In this context, it should be noted that all university majors have the right to amend their certificates when the study period is four years or more. As for institutes where the study period is only two years, they are not entitled to amend the certificate.

What after modifying the certificate in Turkey?

Simply, after the amendment is made, the certificate holder can work in his academic specialization in a regular manner, as he would be like any Turkish citizen, but before that he should obtain a work permit, whether he will work in governmental or private institutions.

What are the documents required for the equivalency of the certificate in Turkey?

1 – A valid passport must be brought in addition to a copy of it, and the student’s visa and a copy of it must also be present.

2- The high school certificate must be present and it must be certified by the foreign ministry of the country from which the certificate was issued in addition to the transcript of the last three years and also it must be certified by the foreign ministry of the country from which the certificate was issued.

3- A university acceptance letter obtained from the university in which the student chose to continue his education must also be brought.

4 – Finally, the application form for the equivalency of the high school diploma, which was previously filled in the Turkish language and obtained from the equivalency body in the educational administration.

What are the most important conditions for modifying the certificate in Turkey?

In the beginning, all the papers that we have already mentioned must be available, as well as the student must be a holder of any type of residence (tourist / student residence / permanent residence). But it is possible that the student does not hold any kind of previous residency, and therefore he must have a final acceptance from the university.

What are the steps to modify the certificate in Turkey?

1 – The student must submit a request to amend the certificate via Turkish Post in order to obtain the special code in it in order to be able to upload the papers on the government website, as all these details are done electronically.

2 – In the second step, the student records all personal information such as the national number and full name, and the date on which the student’s university certificate was issued must be mentioned.

3- Then the student must submit all papers in the form of a document.

4 – In the last step, the student should send the official papers to the Special Council for Higher Education, which is located in Ankara. In this context, it is important to point out that the certificate modification is for all stages (Bachelor/Master/PhD).

The benefit of applying for admission to a private university in Turkey to obtain your desired specialization through Eser Educational:

– It helps you choose the most appropriate specialization for you without getting into a labyrinth of confusion, as it will accompany you in all your steps from start to finish.

-Through Eser educational, you can get your admission for free and without any fees, and through it you can get special discounts.

Turkey’s private universities are sought by many students from the world in order to enroll in them, because of the advantages they offer to the student and a successful educational path.