1. “Jam” (featuring Heavy D)
2. “Why You Wanna Trip on Me”
3. “In the Closet”
4. “She Drives Me Wild” (featuring Wreckx-n-Effect)
5. “Remember the Time”
6. “Can’t Let Her Get Away”
7. “Heal the World”
8. “Black or White” (featuring L.T.B.)
9. “Who Is It”
10. “Give In to Me” (featuring Slash)
11. “Will You Be There” (Theme from Free Willy)
12. “Keep the Faith”
13. “Gone Too Soon”
14. “Dangerous”
1- JAM : “Jam” was one of the songs that I wanted to make a video for years. However, I was afraid to do this, because it needed a good performance. But in 2010, I said to myself: “Why are you waiting? You don’t need to be Michael Jackson. Just be yourself. This is your aim” and I danced with this song in another city, Izmir.
: In 1996, when I made my “Come Together” video, my shirt wasn’t yellow like Michael’s. It was green, because I hadn’t have a yellow shirt when I made the video. In fallowing years, I had yellow shirts, but I’ve already had a “Come Together” video. However, I always wanted to copy Michael Jackson’s “Come Together” costume which is one of my favorite costumes.
In 2006, I wore yellow shirt and tried to copy “Come Together” costume. However, the song is not “Come Together”. It is “Why You Wanna Trip On Me”… Of course, unfortunately, the costume isn’t the same as Michael’s, but at last I’ve had a video with yellow shirt, white t-shirt, black trousers… I chose “Why You Wanna Trip On Me” which is a song from my favorite album “Dangerous”… 835 people watched this video in DailyMotion between 14-07-2008 and 24-02-2013 and also 247 people watched the same video in YouTube between 11.07.2010 and 24.02.2013…
3- IN THE CLOSET : I think “In The Closet” is both one of the best Michael Jackson songs and one of the best Michael Jackson videos in HIStory. Maybe my opinion’s reason is that my favorite album is Dangerous. I make my own music videos since 1996 by dancing with his songs but “In The Closet” had to wait 2009 to be recorded with me even it is one of my favorites… 292 people watched this video in DailyMotion between 30-03-2009 and 17-02-2013.
4- SHE DRIVES ME WILD : 1996 yılından beri en sevdiğim albüm olan “Dangerous”a klipler yapıyorum. Hatta tam şarkı olarak yaptığım ilk klip Dangerous’tır. Ve normalde bir şarkıya klip yaptıysam tekrar çekmememe rağmen Dangerous istisnai bir durum oluşturmuştur ve 2010’da tekrar bir Dangerous klibi yapmışımdır “Nasıl olsa 1996’dakini yaparken remix’ini kullandım” diye düşünerekten… Neyse, işte “Dangerous” albümüne klip çekmediğim tek şarkı “She Drives Me Wild” kalmıştı. Dün bu şarkıya da klip yaparak eksiği tamamladım. “She Drives Me Wild”ı yıllar evvel televizyoncu olduğum dönemde Nascar yarışlarında jenerik müziği olarak kullanmıştım. Kendi yaptığım o jeneriği yine bu klibin başında görebileceksiniz. O jeneriği de kendi video klip arşivime katmak istedim. Aslında 24-06-2008 tarihinde o jeneriği www.dailymotion.com/video/x5w948_nascar-jeneryk adresine koymuştum ve bugüne kadar (10-02-2013) 1554 kişi tarafından izlenmişti. Şimdi ise arkasından dans ediyorum. Yani bu video için arka planda 2004 yılında yaptığım “She Drives Me Wild” kolajı da olduğu için 2004, 2008 ve 2013 tarihlerinde emek vermiş oldum. (2 hafta evvel yazıldı)
5- REMEMBER THE TIME : When I was 15 years old, I recorded myself to make “Remember The Time” video. I used “Remember The Time”s video version. I really felt like Michael Jackson when I was recording this video in 1996 even no one moves like Michael Jackson. In 2005, I re-made this video. I also recorded Eddie Murphy part in 2005. I mean 24 year old TST is Eddie Murphy, 15 year old TST is Michael Jackson in this video. Maybe my crown is Burger King’s cardboard crown. Maybe my costume isn’t glitter like Mike’s. However, I love this video like all of my videos and have fun when I watch this video. 834 people watched this video in DailyMotion between 14-07-2008 and 17-02-2013.
6- CAN’T LET HER GET AWAY : 4 years ago, there was a Michael Jackson fans meeting in Mephisto Cafe in Istanbul. Most of the fans were dancing better than me but somehow they wanted me to dance. I didn’t want to dance, because I became shy there but they forced me to dance. So I said “If you want to see me dancing, record me. So I can make a new music video” and chose “Can’t Let Her Get Away” which is a beautiful song from “Dangerous” album… And 2000 people watched my “Can’t Let Her Get Away” video in Daily Motion between 13-02-2009 and 03-02-2013!
7- HEAL THE WORLD : Last year, I made a great video for Michael Jackson’s “Heal The World” song but with my version. I added the full version of “Planet Earth” poem. I am very excited, because except the screens which you can see me (my uncle recorded me), I recorded the whole video by myself. I recorded the animal screens in my Vienna trip (November 2011) except my 1996 play-back screens in Istanbul. I hope MJ Fans will love my version and share it on social web sites such as Facebook or Twitter, because both of the video and remix belong to me.
8- BLACK OR WHITE : I thought I put all of my old videos to YouTube, but 6 years ago, I realized that I forgat to put my “Black Or White” video, so I’ve uploaded it in January 31, 2007. However, they deleted my channel. So now I am at Vimeo. In the official “Behind The Mask” video, you can see a screen from this video. 753 people watched this video in YouTube between Nov 15, 2007 and Feb 3, 2013 even it is blocked. Of course, before that thousands of people watched it. However, YouTube always deletes my accounst even they are my own videos.
In this video, there is a surprise remix. In 2010, I collected my old “Black Or White” performances with a different version of the song. You’ll remember the music, because the music belongs to the great music band The Queen. Do you want to hear Michael’s voice with Freddie’s music? So watch this video… The stage which I dance with my friends was Balans Bar in Taksim.
9- WHO IS IT : In 27.08.2008, I made a video for my favorite song of all time “Who Is It?”… However, I realized that I have to give weight after watching the video. This is my favroite song but unfortunately this video couldn’t be even one of my favroite personal videos. There are also some 2006 screens from my Yalova trip.
10- GIVE IN TO ME : In 26 May 2007 evening, I realized that I never did a music video in 2007. “Give in to me” was playing in my mind. So I’ve made a video for this mid-tempo rock song. However, I didn’t use the album version. I used the demo version, because I think demo version of “Give in to me” is great. Michael Jackson uses different vocal techniques.
11- WILL YOU BE THERE : 3 months ago, I was in Vienna. You already saw my “Heal The World” video which was recorded in Vienna’s zoo and aquarium. This time, I am making another Vienna video for another song from “Dangerous” album. However, this time the place is Madame Tussauds. I hope you’ll like my video which I recorded in the wax museum. I chose “Will You Be There?”, because it is one of my favourites even I didn’t make a video for the song before that. But I chose MegaJacko’s remix which includes Vangelis’ “Chariots of Fire” song!! (Written 1 year ago)
12- KEEP THE FAITH : MjTurkLover sitesi, kurulduğu günden bu yana yaptığı insanlık için küçük ama MJ Fan’lar için büyük organizasyonlarla tüm dünyada adından söz ettirdi. Kitaplarda, kliplerde dahi adını tarihe yazdırdı. MjTurkLover, bundan yüz yıl sonra bile internet çöplüğünde kaybolmayacak, yaptıkları diğer nesillerin bile görebileceği şekilde kalıcı oldu. İşte “Gone Too Soon – Türkiye Michael Jackson’ı nasıl andı – Bölüm 2” de denebilecek “Keep The Faith” klibinde bu organizasyonlara ilk örnekler… Vimeo’da bu video 1 yılda 112 kişi tarafından izlendi.
13- GONE TOO SOON : Bildiğiniz gibi Michael Jackson ne yazık ki 3,5 yıl evvel aramızdan ayrılmıştı. Ben de öldüğü günlerde “Gone Too Soon” adlı şarkısına bir klip yapmıştım. Fakat 2009 yılında yaptığım bu klibi 1. ölüm yıl dönümünde, yani 2010’da yayınlama kararı almıştım. MjTurkLover, Michael Jackson Türkiye, Enivicivokke gibi Türk MJ Fan’ların bir araya geldiği fan club’lar bulunmakta… Nasıl Los Angeles’da Türk bayraklı pankart asıldı? Londra’ya giden Türkler duvara neler yazdı? “Benimle Dans Eder misin?”, “Disko Kralı”, ana haber bültenlerinde neler oldu? Fenerbahçe’li Andre Santos, Jackson’ı nasıl andı? Çarşı grubunun pankartları BJK TV’de nasıl yayınlandı? Billboard dergisinin düzenlediği “This is it” filminin galasında neler oldu? Aslı Gökyokuş, manGa’dan Ferman Akgül, Hayko Cepkin, Yiğit Beşli gibi ünlü Michael Jackson hayranları neler dediler? Diğer fanlarla yapılan röportajlarda neler söylendi? Yeni anmaları ise MjTurkLover.Com sitesinden takip edebilirsiniz. Bu arada bu klibi 26-06-2010 ve 10-02-2013 tarihleri arasında DailyMotion’da 1361, 11.07.2010 ve 18.02.2013 tarihleri arasında ise YouTube’da 1074 kişinin izlediğini ve Facebook’ta 516 beğeni aldığını da belirtmeden geçmeyelim. Unutmadan, bir de klibin sonunda sizleri bir sürpriz bekliyor.
14- DANGEROUS : In October 2010, I was chosen “Smiling Face Personnel of September 2010” in Ataturk Airport where I work. To celebrate this, I danced with “Dangerous”…
DESCRIPTION FROM 2006 FOR ROGER’S CLUB MIX: I make music videos for myself since 1996. I mean I record my dance performances for 10 years. (I am writing this description in 2006) My first music video was a megamix as I told you before. However, my first full music video is “Dangerous”. I was just a junior high school student, when I made this video. Maybe I danced with “MTV 1995 Performance Version” in that video, but I used “Roger’s Dangerous Club Mix” which was a remix in “Blood On The Dance Floor” single when I was making montage of my “Dangerous” in 2005, because in the future, I want to make a group dance video for the MTV version by using the original careography. That’s why you see some screens from my university videos in the missing parts.
P.S from 2013: I didn’t make a group dance. I used the MTV version in 2010 by myself. By the way, I must say that 1042 people watched this video in DailyMotion between 14-07-2008 and 17-02-2013
15- DANGEROUS MEGAMIX : Dün “She Drives Me Wild”a klip yapmamla beraber Bad’den sonra tüm Dangerous albümüne de klip yapmış oldum. Tabii ki kendime bir Dangerous DVD’si yapmam ve bunu bir Dangerous Megamix’le taçlandırmam kaçınılmaz oldu. Daha önceden de kendime ait Bad, Number Ones ve Immortal DVD’leri yapmıştım. Ama stüdyo albümü olarak tüm şarkılarını bitirdiğim ikinci albüm, hayatımdaki en sevdiğim albüm diyebileceğim “Dangerous” oldu. Baştan sona efsanevi sağlam parçalarla bezeli olan bu albümde en sevdiğim şarkı “Who Is It” de bulunmakta… İşte 1996-2013 arasında çekip bitirdiğim Dangerous albümüne ait Michael Jackson şarkıları karşınızda… (2 hafta evvel yazıldı)
You can watch all of these videos at
© 26.02.2013 – TST INTERACTIVE