[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1629803910077{margin-bottom: 24px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]In today’s commercial conditions, businesses can control document management with fast, functional, error-free and automated systems, i.e., WEB EDI. In this way, in addition to the quality work production provided at low cost and with less effort, in many ways, business energy can be channeled to other necessary jobs. Businesses that do not allow documents to weaken the workforce gain in every way. The WEB-EDI infrastructure with the widest network in Turkey is operated by MAP. We have summarized WEB EDI for you, which offers many valuable advantages for companies of all business lines and all scales.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1629803910077{margin-bottom: 24px !important;}”][vc_column]

What is WEB EDI?

[vc_column_text]WEB EDI is defined as “ an easy and fast applicable low-cost EDI method that enables businesses to exchange EDI documents using simple Web Forms “. WEB EDI, which works by organizing the paper-based documents of the business into a web form via an internet browser, transforms what we first think of when we say document in the physical sense after some basic information is written on the web form into a digital image and becomes transmittable via various internet protocols.

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What is EDI? How is EDI Document Formed?

[vc_column_text]Consider the written documents created by businesses of all sizes on their commercial journey. Invoices, delivery notes, delivery documents, return documents, documents related to services or products, customs or logistics documents, and many more are just some of the documents that a business creates within its business performance. Moreover, these documents are not always created in the same language or standard. When coding and variation-based document types are involved, documents become both burdensome and costly in many ways.

EDI, on the other hand, is a technological blessing that allows documents to be created and managed in a digital environment, systematically and automatically in seconds without errors. Thus, businesses can manage the documents in their commercial communication much faster, smoothly, with little effort and without burdening employees with tedious drudgery.

The EDI document is formed by transferring information to the digital environment as digital data in a coding or formatting system that is automatically created in accordance with certain standards. When an EDI document is in digital form, it is referred to as a “transaction set” or “message” when any single commercial document becomes an EDI document. The EDI Document includes technical elements such as “data elements, segments and envelopes”.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1629803910077{margin-bottom: 24px !important;}”][vc_column]

What are the Advantages of WEB EDI to the Business?

[vc_column_text]The notebook of the neighborhood grocer may be enough for him to take notes and document his work in writing. However, for an organization that professionally provides digital transformation, notebooks bring to mind a traditional promotional alternative with the name of the organization or brand printed on it. As the world adapts its workforce to artificial intelligence, which organization can resist technology and accept being left behind or out of the game on the competitive stage?

Some of the many advantages of Web EDI are as follows:[/vc_column_text]

[vc_column_text]Offers standardization in one language, with the same coding

It enables standardized document exchange between systems with almost instant translation between different encodings, wherever you are in the world, whichever system you are dealing with.

WEB EDI in the B2B business system traditionally provides a common commercial communication between the “HUB” and a large number of business partners (customers or suppliers) connected to it. Technically, it is possible to use HUB and classical EDI methods and to utilize the implementation of EDI with Web Tools at the level of business partners. In other words, like B2B, the flow of information from business to business from time to time in a common, one-way, two-way or mixed way becomes possible with WEB EDI.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]