Do you get your phone during AIT?

Phase IV of AIT will consist of three weeks, as Soldiers continue to train on the values of the Army and begin focusing on their specific MOS skills. During this phase, Soldiers will continue to receive more privileges such as phone time and weekend liberty.Jun 11, 2010


Do soldiers have phones in AIT?

Soldiers in AIT should bring their military-issued clothing, shaving and hygiene materials, towels and washcloths, and two sets of casual civilian clothing. Personal computers, tablets, cell phones and other electronic devices are authorized for use once a Soldier reaches Tier 1 status .

Do you get your phone in MOS training?

Since seven weeks of training is conducted in the field, Marines will not always have access to their phones . Family and friends are still encouraged to send Letters as a form of communication during this training. You can view the School of Infantry Mailing Address and still send and receive Letters using Sandboxx.

Can you go out during AIT?

Generally, the only leave you'll be able to take in AIT will be Emergency Leave . Although, if your AIT is scheduled to go through the Christmas/New Years holiday, you will most likely be granted what is called "Block Leave". No, you will earn 4 days of leave time but you will not be able to use it during AIT.

Do you get your phone in Ait Fort Benning?

Cell phone use depends on the drill sergeants. Some drill sergeants allow them, others do not . If Soldiers are allowed to use them they will not have them at all times. The phones will be locked up with the Soldier's other personal belongings and distributed when phone privileges are earned.

Do you come home after AIT?

After AIT Reserve and Guard members will return home , those needing additional training will go to their next training location and Active Duty members will go to their first Duty Station.

How long is AIT for Army?

between four to 52 weeks AIT can last between four to 52 weeks , depending on the skills you'll need to develop before reporting to duty.

Does the military read your letters?

At the end of the duty day, the drill instructor will enter the barracks, call out names and pass out mail. You're then usually granted about one hour of free time to read your mail . If you read fast, you may even have a few extra minutes to write a quick letter back.

What is the longest AIT training?

84 weeks The current longest AIT training lasts 84 weeks (1-year and 8 months). Just like in BCT, AIT progressively allows trainees more privileges and independence…. AIT schools