What does it mean to "eat the frog"? The eat the frog strategy is a prioritization and productivity method used to help people identify difficult tasks . The idea is that you identify one challenging task (the frog) and complete the task first thing in the morning (eating it).
Sometimes called a "productivity hack," eat the frog is a time management strategy used to accomplish two main goals:
Mar 30, 2022
Things I liked “Eat That Frog!” is quite a quick and easy read . I got through the whole thing over a couple of hours while waiting for my kids to finish their dance class. The principle of handling the biggest and most difficult task first is solid and in most scenarios, I cannot argue with the logic of doing so.
The analogy of eating frogs comes from Mark Twain, who says that if you can start your morning by eating a live frog, you'd have tackled the worst thing that can happen that day . Your frog is your most crucial task—what you're most likely to defer, yet can create the biggest impact on your outcomes.
The origin of this method Don't panic, eating a frog is obviously a metaphor. It was devised by Brian Tracy, American-Canadian author and speaker , who wrote the book 'Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time'.
Mark Twain once said, “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” For self-help guru Brian Tracy, this quote serves as an apt metaphor for effective time management. In his popular 2001 book Eat That Frog!
21 Tactics That Will Help You Eat That Frog
21 Tactics That Will Help You Eat That Frog
By using the 'Eat that Frog' method, you will improve your productivity by organising your day according to your priorities and avoiding procrastinating i.e. pushing important tasks to the following day or the end of the day, when you are least efficient.