Electrical Safety Testing, When a product is produced, these tests allow it to check whether the product is suitable for protection against electrical voltage, as well as to check component quality and safety. The following are the most popular tests for security tests.
Example: amplifiers, radio receivers, antenna amplifiers, electronic music circuits
Example: Metal, wood, textile machinery
Example: coffee machines, dishwashers, washing machines
Example: Lampholders, lamps, electronic ballasts
Example: Surgical devices, dental examination devices
Example: typewriter, calculators, modems
Example: Regulation devices, measuring devices, electrical devices for laboratories
Example: Programmable controls
This report is the reference for illicit procurement and will be the only reference in the future.
Purpose: To check whether the touchable accessible surfaces have earth protection.
Principle: voltage is applied between the earth protection connection and accessible metal surfaces and the voltage between these two parts is measured.
It is checked that the resistance calculated according to Ohm is smaller than the specified resistance.
Test conditions (according to main standard):
To check insulation and material quality
A constant continuous voltage is applied for a specified period of time, the current generated between the two parts tested is measured, and Ohmic’s law checks that the insulation resistance is higher than the minimum required by the standard.
In general, phase and neutral shunt are made and between these 2 shunt points are tested from earthed points. The device is not connected to the mains.
Test conditions (according to main standard):
Purpose: It is checked that insulation distances and gap distances are met.
Principle: DC or AC voltage is applied over a period of time, the resistance between the two parts tested is measured, and Ohmic’s law checks that the current is below the required value by the standard.
Usually phase and neutral shunt is made and between these 2 shunt points are tested at grounded points. The device is not connected to the mains.
Test conditions (according to main standard):
** Half of the nominal voltage must be applied first, then the nominal voltage must be reached.
To check that the leakage current from the power supply to accessible parts is below the permissible value under normal operating conditions (equipment powered).
The device under test is powered by an isolation transformer at nominal voltage and the leakage current between each line (phase or neutral) and protective earth is measured.
This is the only test that requires power to the Device.
Test conditions (according to main standard):