Framework Agreement on Financial Restructurings Entered into Force

Recent Developments

The financial restructuring framework agreement (“ Framework Agreement “) prepared by the Banks Association of Turkey (“ BAT ”) under the Regulation on the Restructuring of Debts Owed to the Financial Sector (“ Regulation ”) was signed by banks and other financial institutions (“ Creditors “). The Framework Agreement entered into force with the BRSA’s approval.

What’s New?


The entry into force of the Framework Agreement clarifies the principles for the implementation of financial restructuring.

Nevertheless, it appears that the standstill periods provided in the Framework Agreement and the Draft Law on the Restructuring of Debts Owed to the Financial Sector (“ Draft Law “) do not overlap.

Pursuant to the Framework Agreement, the fact that a borrower (“ Borrower “) of a Turkish bank (“ Bank “) enters into a Framework Agreement with other Creditors would not affect the legal rights of a Bank against such Borrower, as the Framework Agreement sets forth that it is applicable only to the Creditors that are parties to it. Therefore, a Bank will be able to enforce its claims against such Borrower without the Framework Agreement being an issue. Furthermore, the standstill period whereby execution proceedings cannot be initiated against the Borrower begins with the Borrower’s application for restructuring.

The Draft Law implies that all enforcement actions against a Borrower (including those initiated by the Creditors that are not parties to the Framework Agreement) will cease and no creditor (including those that are not parties to the Framework Agreement) will be able to take any enforcement action against the Borrower once the Restructuring Agreement is executed.