What should be taken care of when selling a home?
Reasonable price must be set
In order not to wait too much on the sale of the house, a fixed price must first be set. According to the general recommendation of real estate consultants, a price inquiry should be made when selling a house for sale. It should be checked how many TL for sale in the last 3 months and for how long houses with similar specifications have been put up for sale in the vicinity and with similar quality.
The price must be determined accordingly.
Setting a very high price significantly expands the process of selling a house. Therefore, the price should be reasonable. If it doesn’t make sense, many customers go to other homes and the sale may not happen at all.
Should be clear in trading
The strategy applied at the bargaining stage during housing sales transactions should be clear. First of all, it should be clear to the other party that it is willing to meet at a common point with the buyer about bargaining. During negotiations, it is wrong to stay away from compromise as well as quickly accept a buyer’s discount request. If the bargain is closed, the buyer will receive an assessment of other options and the sale transaction will not be done.
Internet sales systems should be used
After the pandemic, everything is done on the Internet. For this reason, if the decision is made to sell a house, the process of selling it on the websites should be activated. This way it is possible to significantly increase the number of potential buyers and make home sales easy. Determining the right price when selling a home on the Internet provides more opportunity to view in searches. Very expensive homes are generally not among the applicant’s homes.
Housing should not be sold without resale
Before a house is put up for sale, it needs to be renovated. Those who do not do so can do serious damage to home sales. House prices are influenced by domestic quality.
During the sale of houses with renovation fees, discounts are requested by offering these costs. Therefore, the bargaining power in favor of the seller is corrupted.However, property owners who sell their home for sale after renovations take their bargaining power completely in hand. A home without cost in itself is a reason for preference. The cost of renovation can be added to the price of the house.
Should be taken at the right time for sale
Another trick is the rapid sale of the house, the time to sell it.The real estate sector in Turkey has been fully mobilized in some months and is stagnant in some months as well. Therefore, those who want to sell homes quickly must sell their homes in April, May, September, October, November and December. For other months, the recession may prolong the sales process.
Appointment at home with the buyer
Other details for the quick sale of the house will appear at the appointment stage after the customer’s phone call and notification. The customer, who is the buyer, wants to see the house first because it gets upset with the lengthening of the process. For this, after the seller and buyer’s phone call, the place of appointment must be the house to be sold.