In Unsystematic enterprises: “Life is Short, Birds Fly”

[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1629803910077{margin-bottom: 24px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text] Time management emerged as a concept developed to save time for employees and especially managers who complain about the lack of time while working, who cannot complete their work in any way. The term was born in Denmark and spread around the world, and in time it turned into a whole training sector. The trainings for time management and work rituals supported by internal communication methods are of course no secret. The secret is to accept that the technical infrastructure supporting time management is a valuable business investment, and to manage the system by systematizing instead of trying to own every subject and manage everyone with the ambition to manage…

In the end, short-sighted managers are overwhelmed by the workload as they struggle to manage people, while leaders prefer to lead people and are respected. Anyone can be a manager, the trick is to be a leader. This difference in approach is also an important management perspective that is reflected in the cultural basis and ultimately the longevity of organizations. So how can leaders systematize time management for their employees? [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1629803910077{margin-bottom: 24px !important;}”][vc_column]

Identifying Time Thieves

[vc_column_text] In businesses, various specialists and managers team up for different lines of business, dividing the work according to various equipment. However, sometimes things get so unnecessarily complicated that it becomes impossible for either teams or managers to plan time effectively. On the other hand, the most important factor in time management in enterprises is to develop a properly prepared planning with a systematization suitable for the organization and to ensure efficient work.  Preliminary preparation for this systematization is important in terms of understanding the workforce of the organization. A kind of feasibility of the workforce is made and the most time-consuming issues are determined. Generally, the most time-consuming and workload-creating issue in businesses is the transfer of documents, orders, reports and similar routine document stacks.

Business-specific systemization with artificial intelligence, in other words, digital transformation design, offers a systemization that reduces costs and allows you to evaluate your business’s workforce more functionally in every aspect and thus have many advantages. Every business has a unique business structure and naturally unique solution needs. Determining these needs is the preliminary preparation for establishing an artificial intelligence-based system that can be integrated with each other as needed. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1629803910077{margin-bottom: 24px !important;}”][vc_column]

EDI and Automation in Systemization

[vc_column_text] Automation is the process by which any process that was previously managed by a team using manual methods, either analog or digital, is carried out independently and automatically by computer-aided technologies without human intervention.

Replacing the manual processing of paper-based documents with a standardized system of electronic data transfer (EDI), electronic document exchange from one company to another is standardized and paperwork is eliminated altogether. Making paper-based transactions electronically enables businesses to realize significant performance gains in time management is a rational way to increase maneuverability and unleash a more valuable workforce. In other words, automated business processes unshackle the employee.

EDI is the exchange of business information directly between software. It automates manual processes and increases the speed of the supply chain. Properly designing EDI solutions and integration to match the scale and business model of your organization will ease the burden on your employees. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1629803910077{margin-bottom: 24px !important;}”][vc_column]

The Business Investment Choice of Influential Leaders

[vc_column_text] Systematization paves the way for a leader to systematize the way of doing business by delegating to employees. Thanks to the ability of artificial intelligence to seamlessly and transparently combine and standardize information, it becomes possible to increase the motivation of employees by directing them more actively to non-monotonous tasks.  Organizations that invest in their employees’ work efficiency take an important step towards employee loyalty to the organization.

Effective leaders are not satisfied with critical leadership qualities such as high communication skills, high tolerance for pressure and uncertainty, acting in a controlled manner, and so on, but they support team building dynamics with efficient work by systematizing through artificial intelligence. In this way, it is possible to be one step ahead in the competitive environment by ensuring systematization. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]