Üniversitelerin Proficiency Sınavlarına Girmek için Hazırlanan Öğrenciler,Girecekleri Sınavın Yapısına Uygun bir Şekilde Özel Olarak Teketek Özel Derslerle yada 4 kişilik Gruplarla Eğitilir.
1 –
Proficiency Sınavı
Proficiency Sınavı
için Bireysel – Özel Ders )
2 –
Proficiency Sınavı
Proficiency Sınavı
için 4 kişilik Gruplarla Ders )
1 ) …………… it comprised mostly the same men who had driven out his father 18 years earlier, all parties agreed that William was the only choice to head any new government.
A) By the time
B) As soon as
C) As though
D) Just as
E) Although
2 ) …………… this neutrality, Nazi Germany invaded the Netherlands on 10 May 1940 as part of their campaign against the Allied forces.
A) Due to
B) Owing to
C) Regardless of
D) Despite
E) In case
3 ) Since suffrage……………..universal in 1919, the Dutch political system ……………………. by three families of political parties: the strongest family were the Christian democrats, currently represented by the Christian Democratic Appeal, second were the social democrats, of which the Labour Party, and third were the liberals, of which the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy is the main representative.
A) became / has been dominated
B) became / dominated
C) became / has dominated
D) become / has been dominated
E) is becoming / is dominated
4 ) The Netherlands is divided into twelve administrative regions, called provinces, each under a Governor, who is called Commissaris van de Koningi , except for the province Limburg ………….. the commissioner is called Gouverneur.
A) by which
B) where
C) whether
D) whatever
E) which
5 ) Since the 16th century, shipping, fishing, trade, and banking……………….. sectors of the Dutch economy.
A) is leading
B) have been leading
C) had been leading
D) was leading
E) leads
6 ) A highly mechanised agricultural sector employs 4% of the labour force …………. provides large surpluses for the food-processing industry and for exports.
A) so
B) for
C) but
D) since
E) what
7 ) ……………… the Holocaust deeply affected the Jewish community , it has managed to rebuild a vibrant and lively Jewish life for its approximately 45,000 current members.
A) Before
B) until
C) Once
D) Although
E) Unless
8 ) ………………… World War II, 10% of the Amsterdam population was Jewish.
A) Before
B) Even though
C) As much as
D) Even if
E) As far as
9 )……………… the Netherlands is a secular state, in some municipalities where the Christian parties have the majority, the council meetings are opened by prayer.
A) Until
B) Unles
C) İf
D) Although
E) When
10 ) The Senate majority lasted until 2001, when the Senate became split evenly ……………. was regained in the 2002 elections.
A) but
B) as well
C) either
D) too
E) as
CORRECT ANSWERS (Doğru Yanıtlar)
1) E
2) D
3) A
4) B
5) B
6) C
7) D
8) A
9) D
10) A