1 – Işık Üniversitesi
Proficiency Sınavı
Hazırlık ( Işık Üniversitesi
Proficiency Sınavı
Hazırlık için Bireysel – Özel Ders )
2 – Işık Üniversitesi
Proficiency Sınavı
Hazırlık ( Işık Üniversitesi
Proficiency Sınavı
Hazırlık için 4 kişilik Gruplarla Ders )
Listening Exam Example
History shows that we human beings are forever trying to find ways to improve ourselves and the way we live. We have come a long way from the time humans first learned to use fire to keep themselves warm and to cook their food, and to live in caves to protect themselves from animals and extreme temperatures. Especially over the last 20 years or so, our lives have greatly improved because of advances in research, in science and in technology. One area in which we have made a lot of progress is health. Nowadays, there are numerous diets, pills, exercise programs, and even different philosophies on how we can stay healthy and how we can balance our lives. Most countries have modern hospitals and high tech equipment to treat people. Interestingly enough, some scientific researchers and health practitioners today are rediscovering health practices that date back thousands of years. One example is the science called Ayurveda which researchers are finding to be very useful in maintaining health of mind and body. Ayurveda has been practiced for over 10.000 years. In today’s lecture I would like to inform you briefly about this very balanced way of living. I will first talk about the history of AYURVEDA, the meaning of AYURVEDA, and how AYURVEDA works.
History of Ayurveda
I will now talk about the history of Ayurveda. Ayurveda dates back an estimated 5,000-
10,000 years. It is widely considered to be the oldest form of health care in the world.
Scholars believe that knowledge of Ayurveda spread from India and influenced the ancient
Chinese system of medicine and even the system of medicine practiced by Hippocrates in
Greece. For this reason, Ayurveda is often referred to as the “Mother of all healing.”
Practitioners of Ayurveda believe that saints and sages, or wise men of India received the
wisdom of Ayurveda through deep meditation. Ayurvedic knowledge was passed down orally through the generations and then written down in the Vedas. The Vedas are holy books of India believed to be the oldest writings in the world. Written in Sanskrit, the Vedas cover a vast number of subjects from grammar to health care. The Vedas were written approximately 2500 BC or earlier.
Our knowledge of Ayurveda today mostly comes from relatively later writings, primarily the Charaka Samhita, a book written in approximately 1500 BC, the Ashtang Hrdyam, written approximately 500 AD, and the Sushrut Samhita, written approximately between 300 – 400 AD. These three great books describe the basic principles and theories from which Ayurveda has evolved. They also contain vast clinical information on how to treat disease. The Charaka Samhita for example, is a remarkable document of internal medicine, written more than 2,000 years before the microscope was invented. It explains how the body is made up of cells and lists 20 different microscopic organisms which may cause disease. Ayurveda has become popular in the West in the past 20 years. In India, Ayurveda lost popularity when the British arrived. Western medical education became dominant during the era of British rule. Ayurveda became a second-class option used primarily by traditional spiritual practitioners and the poor. After India gained its independence in 1947, Ayurveda became popular again and new schools began to be established. Today more than five hundred Ayurvedic companies and hospitals have opened in the last ten years, and several hundred schools have been established.<!> Ayurveda remains a secondary system of health care in India, but more and more, there is the concept of complementary care, where in Western and Ayurvedic physicians often work side by side.
The meaning of Ayurveda
I will now discuss the meaning of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a traditional system of healing
practiced in India and Sri Lanka. It is a complete system which aims to improve emotional,
physical and mental health. The practice of Ayurveda is divided intro many different
branches. Medicine is only one aspect of Ayurveda. To benefit fully from Ayurveda, it is
helpful to consider other elements which are astrology, meditation, yoga, breathing
exercises, massage, sound and music therapy.
Ayurveda comes from a Sanskrit word which has two roots ‘Ayus’ and ‘Vid’. Ayus means
‘life’ and vid means ‘knowledge.’ ‘Ayus’ is our daily life cycle that represents the body, the
senses, the mind, and the soul. ‘Veda’ is the knowledge of our world and how everything
works within it. Ayurveda therefore addresses the body, the mind, and the soul, and also the world we live in. It is a holistic science. This mean means it deals with many different
aspects of health and not just one.Interest in Ayurveda in the West began in the mid 1970’s as Ayurvedic teachers from India began visiting the United States and Europe. By sharing their knowledge they have inspired a vast movement toward body-mind-spirit medicine. Today Ayurvedic colleges are opening throughout Europe, Australia, and the United States.