Dear NUKSAK Members,
Nuclear power plants, which can be included in economical energy production technologies at power generation, protect their competitive position with safety, sustainability, zero carbon emmission and operating cost, despite their initial investment cost.
Nuclear power plants, among their contribution in terms of supply security, presents many economic, industrial and technological advantages to their country. Benefiting from these advantages largely depends on the governmental support. If heavy industry infrastructure for nuclear power plants can be established firmly with the long term and direct governmental support, nuclear sector will be an important factor, which can save Turkey from the current account deficit, as the drivng force of national recovery thrust.
When we look at the models around the world, it does not seem possible to perform technology transfer in nuclear area solely with the support of public enterprises or solely with the support of private sector. However, it is possible to achieve this with the active participation of private sector under the leadership of the State.
Thus, it’s important to have the studies, which will be carried out in order to gain self-sufficiency in long term for human resources, home production and R&D in nuclear sector in our country, conducted by all relevant units.
As is known, several simultaneous projects are carried out in Turkey in coordination with the Ministry of Enegry. We, as Ankara Chamber of Industry, are also involved in these studies and continue to put our efforts in order to fulfill all responsibilities of the industry.
Three different project activities, which aim to make Turkish industry involved in nuclear sector, have been successfully maintained since 2014 with the coordination of our Chamber. Positive result, which is obtained from the assessment of selection committee, of one of them, the Nuclear Industry Clustering Project (NÜKSAK) that was submitted for support within the scope of the Ministry Of Industry and Technlogy, Clustering Support Program, has been notified to our Chamber as of March 2016, and detailed business plan of the project has been presented to the Ministry. Upon the agreement executed by and between the Clustering Partnership and the Ministry in May 2017, implementation process of NÜKSAK project activities has started.
Work packages within the scope of the project, which is carried out with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, are performed in cooperation with the commercial enterprise established by our Chamber, and Istanbul, Kocaeli, Ege Region and Adana Chambers of Industry. Along Istanbul Technical University, Gedik University and Hacettepe University, also the companies, which wish to make production in nuclear sector, are involved in the project.
The content of activities shall mainly involve complex analyses, nuclear quality management and certification systems, consultancies, research technology trainings specific to nuclear sector, R&D studies for stainless steel and infrastruture activities for project and technical support organization. Total cost of the activities, which will be carried out for 5 years, shall be approximately 32 million TL.
Our strategy is to make the current domestic industry productive for nuclear sector, to prevent repeating investments and to create synergy with joint works of the companies, which carry on similar activities. In this way, Turkish industry will gain competitive power in nuclear sector and will have international advantage in nuclear power plant projects that are planned at our immediate surroundings.
Our target is to ensure that the nuclear power plant projects, which are planned to be established in Turkey, and the infrastructures thereof are localized as much as possible. With the development of nuclear industry-specific equipment and production technologies by the clustering partnership members, technological acquisition and design and production capability will be gained.
With this project, NÜKSAK members will develop their design, production, assembly and test capabilities in regard to the products and services that can be used in nuclear power plants and in other power generation plants.
This experience that will be created in our country will set ground for the Turkish industry to be suppliers in other nuclear power plant projects around the world in long term.
I wish the project will be beneficial to our country and to NÜKSAK members, and take this opportunity to invite all companies, which wish to be included in the sector, to join our Cluster.
Nurettin ÖZDEBİR
Chairman of the Board