Designed to monitor raw sewage, industrial waste and storm water, the MSFM s2.5T ultrasonic water flow meter is self-contained and battery operated. This ATEX add-on multisensor flowmeter is suitable for applications in sewer flow monitoring in combined sewers, open channels and storm sewers.
Monitoring industrial waste and discharges, conserving streams and river waters, and monitoring wastewater treatment processes are just some of the many reasons to take water samples.
The MSFM S2.5T ultrasonic water flow meter includes new processing technology that enables built-in flow calculation. With this, it triggers an alarm to send a pulse to the automatic water sampler after a predetermined volume of water has passed. It uses it for direct flow proportional sampling.
Multiple Parameter Measurements
The addition of a temperature sensor is hugely beneficial for users looking to identify entry and infiltration.
When groundwater seeps into the sewer, there will be a change in water temperature as well as a change in the volume of water in the sewer.
It uses velocity, depth, and temperature to determine the flow rate. It provides a more accurate reading that requires no weirs or ducts and automatically adapts to changes in production and intense weather conditions that affect flow rates.
MSFM S2.5T sensors are powered by a 12V lithium-ion rechargeable battery. Users can expect the battery to last more than 15 weeks after fully charged.
Flexible Communications and Sophisticated Alram Regimes
MSFM S2.5T is compatible with 2G, NB-IoT, LTE-M1 networks, making it suitable for use anywhere in the world.
That is, data logs at user-defined intervals from 1 minute to 1 day. Logged data transmits via 2G, NB-IoT, LTE-M1 at scheduled intervals.
Users can access data anytime, anywhere. It transmits to DetecData, a secure multilingual web portal. Data is taken from the monitoring equipment in the basin and transformed into operational information. This enables you to make intelligent decisions based on penetration and infiltration rates, event time monitoring and precipitation analysis.
DetecData allows changing settings and creating profiles for alarms, recording rates and transmission frequency. High/low threshold and profile alarms are programmed to be transmitted automatically via text or email.
What is Data Scanning?
Detectronic’s DATA CENTER monitors your network and uses your data before their blockade causes flooding and pollution. By using our data scanning and reporting services, you can reduce the number of alarms received from thousands to hundreds.
Real-time data collection and monitoring helps you better understand your sewer network.
Using human intelligence means you will only get verified response reports.
Field data, national precipitation data and local environmental data are integrated for each site.
It is designed to be compatible with data from any brand rangefinder monitor.
Smart Algorithms
DetecAnalytics uses predictive analysis techniques to create an advanced automated alarm system from raw data. It uses algorithms that can cross-reference data packets collected by the Data Center.
Each wastewater sewerage basin has its own unique DNA. In addition, monitoring and local information allow the creation of a behavioral profile that enables anomaly detection. Capture-based rules allow the alarm hierarchy to be updated with reliable information to decide the final alarm protocol. It is used to assist in the formation of an alarm coefficient used to highlight risk.
Alarm profiles allow DetecAnalytics to prioritize serious failures from minor failures. It provides greater confidence in the system when alarms are transmitted.