Neural Therapy


What is Neural Therapy?

Neural therapy is a treatment method that emerged about a century ago as a result of two German physicians, named Huneke, who started to use a method that was previously applied but was almost forgotten, and observed some coincidences well.

Neural therapy is a treatment method designed to use our autonomic nervous system with low dose local anesthetic injection. The electrical potential of healthy cells decreases with infections, trauma and surgical incision. If severe, intense and continuous stimuli continue, cells cannot recover. Unless the person has an anatomical and genetic disorder, deficiency, and advanced degeneration, the injection applied to the skin with neural therapy can reverse and treat the formation processes of some diseases.

Neural therapy is a field of application that regulates OSS (autonomic nervous system) and neutralizes negative stimuli in disruptive areas.

How Does Neural Therapy Work?

The neurovegetative system, which we call the autonomic nervous system, is a part of our nervous system that covers the whole body and has effects at the cellular level. Bioelectrical damage in OSS underlies our diseases and persistent pain. Infections, surgeries, accidents, physical and psychological traumas that we have experienced throughout our lives cause the formation of bioelectrically problematic areas in our body. These problem areas are called “interference fields”. Bioelectrical damages in these regions can be permanent for life. This electrical communication disorder can be corrected by the injection to be applied to the skin part of these regions, also called interference areas.

“Interference field” is the deterioration of the basic bioelectrical structure of the cells. In a healthy cell, there is an electrical difference inside and outside the cell, with the effect of electrolytes in our body. This difference, which is approximately -40 / -90 millivolts, is called the membrane electrical potential.

Negative warnings from the diseased area spread to the whole body. Some of these are repaired by the body, but some cannot be repaired. Life-long external factors (infections, trauma, operations-like interventions to the body) have the potential to create disruptive areas. Stimuli originating from these areas (primary focus), which are the source of the problem, may affect the message network of the OSS and form a focus in another region (secondary affected area). Today’s medicine tries to treat this secondary focus. For this reason, there are problems in treatment.

The potential of past infection foci, traumas, operations and all dental treatments that are not performed well to create disruptive areas is high. Especially the head and neck area is dense in terms of disturbing areas.

The electrical potential of the cell is increased with repeated injections of local anesthetic in neural therapy. Procaine and lidocaine, the short-acting anesthetic agents used, contain a potential of about -290 millivolts. With the application, the cell almost hyperpolarizes. Each injection made will leave some electrical potential in the cell until the cell reaches its normal potential of -40 / -90 millivolts. Upon reaching these levels, the diseased cell will turn into a healthy cell. Thus, the electrical potential of the cells in the interference field will have increased to the required levels. Cell membrane stabilization will be provided and the negative effects of disruptive areas on OSS will be eliminated.

OSS has a wide network structure extending to the intercellular fluid. This fluid is also called matrix. There are metabolic, biochemical, biophysical processes in the matrix, and intercellular and intracellular substance exchanges take place.

How Is Neural Therapy Applied?

Neural therapy may be perceived as an injection therapy, but the purpose is not to infuse drugs. The most important therapeutic feature here is that the physician finds the source of the disease with the interference field approach.

In neural therapy, local anesthetic is administered by injection. Application areas are subcutaneous, muscle tissue, surgery and scars on the body, intra-articular and painful points. Injection into the nerve is not applied.

The most important issue in neural therapy is the determination of the area where the local anesthetic will be applied by needle. This area detection is the most important feature that distinguishes neural therapy from other standard local anesthetic injection applications and similar treatments.

Neural therapy treatment is applied in sessions, and it is recommended that at least three days pass between two sessions. It is recommended to use local anesthetics and lidocaine and procaine in neural therapy. It is recommended to use reduced doses (such as 0.5% – 1%) of drugs due to the danger of high doses and possible side effects.

In Which Diseases Is Neural Therapy Applied?

The main domain of neural therapy is the treatment of orthopedic and muscular nerve diseases.

Since the factors that cause pain in patients are eliminated in neural therapy, time is given to the body to renew and repair itself. During this repair period, there will be returns, body functions will improve and complaints will return to normal.

In Which Circumstances Neural Therapy Is Not Applicable?

Are There Any Side Effects of Neural Therapy?

  1. Neural therapy is not a drug-applied treatment method.
  2. It is benefited from the stimulation created by the short-acting local anesthetic substances in the autonomic nervous system.
  3. As soon as the needle is inserted into the skin, this stimulus spreads in the neural network and the old nerve damage is corrected bioelectrically.
  4. In most other needle treatments, drugs are given to the tissue, while neural therapy is applied to the skin.
  5. In neural therapy, only procaine and lidocaine substances are used as drugs. Here, these drugs are preferred not because of their local anesthetic properties, but because of their bioelectrical effects.
  6. No side effects have been encountered in this treatment method, which has been used frequently in the west for more than eighty years.