New Omnibus Law Amending Tax Laws

Recent Development

The Law No. 7194 on Digital Service Tax and Amendment of Certain Laws and Law Decree No. 375 (“ Law “), published on the Official Gazette dated December 7, 2019 and No. 30971, introduced important amendments to various tax laws.

What Does the Law Say?

1. Important amendments to the Income Tax Law

Income other than salary Rate
0- TRY 18,000 15%
TRY 18,000  – TRY 40,000 20%
TRY 40,000  – TRY 98,000 27%
TRY 98,000  – TRY 500,000 35%
TRY 500,000 and more 40%

Salary income Rate
0- TRY 18,000 15%
TRY 18,000  – TRY 40,000 20%
TRY 40,000  – TRY 148,000 27%
TRY 148,000  – TRY 500,000 35%
TRY 500,000 and more 40%
  1. Important amendments to the Tax Procedural Law

(1) 60% of the tax cancelled by the court, the entire tax approved by the court and 75% of the tax loss penalty approved by the court; and
(2) 25% of the tax loss penalties where the relevant original tax was not subject to litigation and 25% of the tax loss penalties imposed due to the acts described in Article 359, as well as 25% of irregularity penalties cancelled by the court and 75% of the amounts approved by the court.

  1. Important amendment to the Expenditure Taxes Law


The tax law amendments aim to increase tax collections.