Participation (Takaful) Insurance Details Revealed

Recent Development

Our last client alert announced that the regulations regarding participation insurance ( takaful ) were underway.
While the Insurance Law No. 5684 ( “Law” ) did not previously regulate the participation insurance model, with respect to the Supplementary Article 1 of the Law, the Undersecretariat of Treasury now regulates takaful insurance through the Regulation on Operating Procedures and Principles of Participation Insurance ( “Regulation” ). The Regulation was published on the Official Gazette No. 30186 dated September 20, 2017 and will enter into force within three months from the date of publication.

What’s new?

The insurance companies wishing to operate in the takaful insurance area must consider the following.


The demand for interest-free insurance has risen along with the development of interest-free banking.. While a few insurers already provide interest-free insurance products, this area remained unregulated until very recently. The Regulation will answer the rising demand for these insurance products and is expected to diversify market players by attracting insurance companies from countries where interest-free insurance products are common practice towards Turkey.