Quality product and stability of quality in the home textile industry by Denese Tekstil

Denese Tekstili, which was founded in 2009 by Leopold LEUTGÖB in Denizli, continues to produce high quality home textile products with the Mr. Sandman brand. Çiğdem Akbulut, General Manager of Denese Tekstil, talked about the export plans of Denese Tekstil.

Could you please mention about the establishment of Denese Tekstil?

Our company, Denese Tekstil, is actively engaged in the production of fitted sheets, pillowcases and liquid-proof mattresses in the textile sector. In terms of experience, the beginning of our activity dates back to 1978. Our company was established in Denizli in 2009 by Mr. Leopold LEUTGÖB, the owner and manager of our company. Since this date, our company has been actively producing quality textile products in different qualities, special and sizes.

What are your policies to increase customer satisfaction?

In order to protect and increase our customer satisfaction, these three issues counts as law in our company, these are; Fast Service – 3 Years Usage Guarantee – Quality Product and Stability of Quality.

With an understanding of the importance of time in our age, we ensure that orders are delivered to our customers in the desired deadlines and we respond quickly to incoming demands and requests with the same sensitivity. We provide real-time information and solutions for the wishes and requirements of every end user using our product.

Could you mention about your product range?

We produce Fitted Sheets that are compatible with every bed form and size, which we produce from knitted fabric, pillow cases in both standard and many special forms and sizes, and mattress with Polyurethane coating on one surface. We use 100% cotton, organic cotton, and polyester, bamboo and elastane (lycra) blends in different and optimal proportions in our fitted sheets. We also produce pillowcases in sizes and forms suitable for all these variations. This offers our valued customers a wide range of products that cater to every need.

In our mattress protector group, we offer 3 different fabric options, one surface of which is 100% cotton, 100% Tencel and 80% Cotton – 20% Polyester, and the other surface is 100% Polyurethane coated which its liquid-proof but breathable feature. We offer our customers a 3-year guarantee for each product they purchase from us. To explain the scope of this guarantee; If the washing and usage instructions are followed, if it is used properly, in case of deformation in color and seams, the product is changed with a new one.

What are your most preferred products?

With the pandemic, the interest in Home Textile has also increased. As a reflection of this, our production, investment and R&D studies have also increased.

Our most preferred products are “Full Elastan Deluxe” (92% cotton, 8% elasthan), Elastan Classic (95% cotton, 5% elasthan), Top Care Tencel (100% Tencel – Undersheet).

Could you mention about your brands?

We produce our brands Mr. Sandman and La Lena only in Denese Tekstil. Apart from this, we also produce for some brands that are compatible with our quality.

Would you like to invest in the different fields of the textile industry?

We have been growing in this field since our establishment. There are a few areas where we still carry out R&D studies.

Could you mention about your export markets?

We have export plans where our cooperation focused on good and quality products will be permanent, targeting mostly European countries, but also open to other world countries.