Stäubli celebrates opening of new facilities in Turkey

Mega Tekstil recently celebrated its 40th anniversary, and on this occasion Stäubli Flash talked with Erol Türkün, founder and owner of the company and third- generation descendant in a family of textile industrialists.

Stäubli-Turkey_new  building_entry_20160607 After months of architectural project planning and intense working at the construction site, Stäubli opened its new facilities situated on the Eastern side of Istanbul – in 33956 Tuzla on 31st May 2016.
80 national and guests from abroad, including members of the board and committees of the different Stäubli production units appreciated the opening ceremony in the most modern building. The state-of-the-art facilities mark a milestone in the Stäubli history in Turkey.

The success story of Stäubli in Turkey started in the 60s with a renowned agent in order to introduce the extensive range of textile machinery in the promising Turkish market. Decades later, in 1995 it was decided to found Stäubli Turkey to fulfill a clear mission: serve the Turkish market even more intensively and extend step by step the Stäubli organization. Mr. M. Sinangil, as the first employee, moved into the rented headquarters in Istanbul at that time. He is still running the Stäubli organization successfully today.

2016 marks another historical cornerstone of the Stäubli history in Turkey – its 20 years of existence! During this build up of the group the Textile, Connector and Robotic activities came to fruition. All activities gained substantial market shares in their respective fields of business. Stäubli Turkey is now employing some 60 people.

Turkey is today, more than ever, the arch to Europe and has ambitious goals in terms of increasing its export statistics and expanding the local production and service industries to serve European – but also international customers. This offers great prospects to visionary mechatronics solution providers like Stäubli. In order to succeed, the local Stäubli team will be more than ever supported by the international Group to capture the chances offered by this market. Meanwhile all Turkish salesmen, administrative people and technicians on-site continue to maintain their common aim that is to satisfy all Stäubli customers throughout the country.

With this celebration the local team embarked upon the journey of serving customers for the next coming decades. Mr. M. Sinangil said: “we always believed in this country. This is why we made the investment in the first place. We look forward to actively supporting our existing and prospective customers going forward.”

Multi-generation partnership for Jacquard machines
“If you are happy with a supplier in a partnership”, says Erol Türkün, “you should stay loyal and not change just because of another offer with cheaper prices. Since we started using electronic Jacquard machines, the problems have been minor compared with what we had with mechanical types. And when we need support, we can rely on Stäubli’s very responsive after-sales service.” Türkün knows that can count on Stäubli’s efficient delivery of spare parts even for older machines installed years ago.

Mega Tekstil is one of Turkey’s biggest textile manufacturers and an internationally renowned supplier of a wide range of high-quality textiles including extraordinary curtain and upholstery fabrics for home furnishing, linens of various blends, cushions, table cloth, mattress ticking, sophisticated Jacquard fabrics, and even ultra-wide multiple-layer print cloth. The company’s production capabilities cover the spectrum from yarn preparation to finished home textiles. The heart of manufacturing is undoubtedly the weaving department, where 162 state-of-the-art shuttleless weaving machines are in operation equipped with either dobby or Jacquard shedding systems.

Mega Tekstil recently celebrated its 40th anniversary, and on this occasion Stäubli Flash talked with Erol Türkün, founder and owner of the company and third- generation descendant in a family of textile industrialists.

40 years ago Türkün was a pioneer in Bursa, and the company was probably one of the first to start using Jacquard machines in the mid-eighties. The first electronic Jacquard machines were then appearing on the market, but the technology was not mature, and Türkün began its Jacquard operations with mechanical Jacquard machines. But the company was determined to use electronically controlled Jacquard machines, and around 1991 Türkün was first in the Bursa area to procure such machines from Stäubli.

Today Erol Türkün looks back on 30 years of partnership with Stäubli. Over this time, several new generations of machines have been developed based on customers’ requests and subsequently proven in daily use. Mr. Türkün is fully satisfied with the performance of Stäubli’s electronic Jacquard machines and has continuously updated Mega Tekstil’s inventory with the most recent and advanced models. Without investing in modern technology such as rapier weaving machines and electronic Jacquard machines, it would have been impossible for the company to create so many different designs and constantly adapt to the latest fashions.

Jacquard weaving will remain a core business of Mega Tekstil, perhaps more because of the capability to vary the structure and effects than the colours. Such structures can include three-dimensional fabrics woven from several warp beams. “Creativity follows technology” means designers will always exploit the options offered by the machine. This rule is a key reason why Stäubli is committed to developing versatile products for Jacquard weaving.

Besides his optimism about future demand for traditional but highly fashionable textiles – and thus the continuing demand for Jacquard weaving – Türkün anticipates a shift towards technical textiles in all kinds of applications such as aircrafts, automobiles, construction, chemistry, healthcare, and many other industries. This will also affect weaving technology, which will increase pressure on both manufacturers of weaving machinery to develop new products and on fabric producers to adapt their processes. In order to bring out new machinery generations within a reasonably short time, machine manufacturers and textile manufacturers must constantly work closely together – and this requires partnership based on mutual trust.

At Mega Tekstil, the chances are good that the fourth generation will direct the enterprise or at least part of it towards technical weaving. Erol Türkün’s two sons and daughter have joined or are about to join the industrial or textile business. In all probability, however, Mega Tekstil will also continue to produce beautiful and creative Jacquard fabrics on a long-term basis – and a vital factor in both cases remains good partnership.

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