Stomach Acid, Beeturia, Beet Kvass

We will discuss a topic that we often encounter but misinterpret, causing complaints such as stomach pain, heartburn, and a bitter taste in the mouth. We usually say things like “I have too much stomach acid,” “My stomach feels sour,” or “My stomach is burning.” In these statements, we forget that the fluid in our stomach is naturally acidic. Instead of finding the answer to why our stomach is burning, we try to get rid of the acidic fluid.

Stomach acid is a fluid secreted by the stomach that is necessary for digestion and has a pH below 3 in healthy individuals. It has a considerably low acidity level. It does not harm us due to the mucus layer on the inner surface of our stomach. It is also crucial for our overall health.

Our stomach acid should have a low pH. This way, pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, and other organisms) that enter our body are neutralized by this fluid. It is one of the important weapons of our defense system.

It is vital for the digestion of food. Both the breakdown of food and the activation of digestive enzymes require an acidic environment. If the pH of the stomach increases, undigested food components can cause indigestion, gas problems, and various health issues that affect our overall well-being.

It also aids in the absorption of nutrients, particularly vitamin B12.

It helps the progression of food. Stomach acid facilitates the passage of food from the stomach to the small intestine while preventing it from regurgitating back into the esophagus. It does this by contracting or relaxing the muscle structures located at the entrance and exit of the stomach.

If you experience heartburn, it means that something is not right. Instead of taking medication unknowingly, consult a healthcare professional to determine the cause.

I will share a test with you to understand the imbalance of your stomach acid. First, let me ask you a classic question. Does your urine turn red/pink when you eat beets?

If yes, this condition is called Beeturia. After consuming beets, the betalain inside needs to encounter stomach acid (pH below 4) to be released. Then, in order to be absorbed, it needs to meet pancreatic enzymes called pancreatin and pancreatic amylase in the intestines.

If the color changes even when you eat less than 100 grams of beets, we can associate it with insufficient stomach acidity or insufficient digestive enzymes. However, 13.8% of the population cannot absorb betaine from the intestines even without any issues.

You can perform this test with one medium-sized beet. If there is redness, you can support your digestion by regularly consuming fermented foods like beet kvass, homemade apple cider vinegar, or homemade pickle juice at the beginning of your meal, approximately 2 tablespoons or half a cup.

Beet Kvass recipe to support digestion:


Beets are thoroughly washed using a brush. Then, we peel the beets one by one. We cut them into 4-5 pieces and place them in a jar. We add 1/2 cup of whey or yogurt whey. After adding 1 tablespoon of sea salt, we add 3-4 cloves of garlic for flavoring. Then, we seal it tightly. We wait for fermentation to occur in a dark and warm place within 3-4 days. After opening the lid, we store it in the refrigerator and consume it quickly. In the next kvass preparation, you can use 1-2 beets for fermentation.

Enjoy your meal…