Technology transformation leaders of the textile industry will come out of Denizli

“Technical Textile Transformation Project in Denizli” which is funded by the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye and started in Denizli in 2020, continues its work without slowing down. DTO Chairman of the Board Uğur Erdoğan said that the project which was supported within the scope of the “Competitive Sectors Program” implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Technology and implemented by the Denizli Chamber of Commerce (DTO), will not only transform the Denizli textile industry, but also will enable the entire textile industry of Turkey to be known in the world. He said that they considered it as a move that would break new ground in the industry and that will bring a new era to Denizli and many sectors in which it operates. Erdogan; “I can proudly say that Turkey’s technology transformation leaders in the field of textiles will open up to the world from Denizli,” he said.

Technological transformation means higher value added products and increasing export volume

DTO President Uğur Erdoğan, who shared his views on the subject, said that Denizli, which is the first city that comes to mind when it comes to towels and bathrobes not only in Turkey but also in the world, aims to transform the textile industry into a technical textile industry by taking strength from its experience and competitive structure in home textiles. He stated that he has had very busy days regarding this project for two years. Erdogan; “Our Denizli, which is an important center especially in towel and bathrobe production, meets a significant part of the country’s annual exports in this field and is recognized as the world capital in the field of cotton textiles. In order to achieve better positions in exports and industry, we have set our first goals to follow information and technology closely, to produce products with higher added value by making the necessary investments in innovation and R&D studies, and thus to increase our production diversity. In this way, we will ensure that our national wealth, which is paid abroad for imports, remains within the country. At the same time, we are increasing our target day by day in order to make a great and important contribution to the Turkish economy by establishing new employment areas.”

The journey of transformation into technical textiles will not only increase textile exports, the price value of textile in kilograms will also jump

The Project Technical Textile Transformation Project in Denizli (DTTD), implemented by the DTO, aims to transform the Denizli textile industry and change the face of Turkey’s textile exports over time. Denizli industry and exporters will meet with high value-added textile products with the DTTD Project, which is one of the two innovative projects selected from among hundreds of projects in the country, sent from chambers and exchanges affiliated with TOBB and deemed worthy of support. Ugur Erdogan, President of DTO also listed his final goals as; “Our Technical Textile Center is an innovative and important initiative that will draw a new path for our industry and our city and open our horizons. It will not only ensure the emergence of new products and inventions, but also contribute to the clustering of companies operating in this field and related sectors and business lines, thereby paving the way for the establishment of new companies in new business lines in our city. I can happily say in advance that the project will give a new impetus to Denizli’s textile journey, expand the product range and increase the kilogram price value of Denizli’s exports over time,”.

Everyone has taken on the responsibility and big investment has been made in the world class technical transformation of the textile industry

DTO President Uğur Erdoğan pointed out that a large investment has been made in the Technical Textile Transformation Project in Denizli, which is carried out within the scope of the “Competitive Sectors Program” implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Technology with the co-financing of the European Union and the Republic of Turkey; “An area of 1000 square meters for our Technical Textile Center was allocated to DTO by our Denizli Organized Industrial Zone. Equipment procurement, construction/installation processes and set up of our center have also been completed. As Denizli Chamber of Commerce, we have also started a new project to increase the competitiveness of our SMEs, especially our textile industry, in cooperation with the OIZ Directorate. Besides this center, a Vocational and Test Training Center is also being established. With our Vocational Training Center where technical textile and textile technology are located side by side, our participating companies will be able to receive all business development, training and consultancy services from a single point. We are making every attempt to ensure that our Denizli Technical Textile Center serves as the attraction point in the region with a sustainable structure.”

All kinds of opportunities are provided in Denizli for the technology transformation leaders of the future textile industry

In order to identify and optimize the needs of companies and new entrepreneurs before the project, surveys and workshops were conducted with 100 textile companies, 65 of which were in the SME status, and during the project period, advisory and steering committee meetings, stakeholder workshop and anal ysis of 166 companies were carried out. DTO President Erdoğan: “In line with the work we have done, we have started theoratic and practical trainings for textile companies. After the surveys were completed and analyzed, 55 companies participated in our workshop. We constantly shared about the launch of the project in the promotional meetings we held and the platforms we participated in, and we saw that the interest increased day by day. At the end of the project, our goals such as the establishment of our Denizli Technical Textile Center and at least 50 companies benefiting from this center, providing business development support to 100 companies or entrepreneurs on technical textiles, increasing the sales and/or exports of 30 companies and reducing all input costs including energy, the establishment of at least 5 new companies and the generation of new employment , continue to excite our textile companies and all our stakeholders who contributed to the project. At the same time, we will establish the Denizli Technical Textile Cluster (DTTK).

As bringing something new in Denizli with their projects, Erdoğan said the importance of their projects as, “Our Turkey is a candidate to have a say in the world league with the technical textile sector. Because, as all parties involved, we all know well that with this project, our success in the textile industry will be carried to higher levels with the cooperation and belief of companies that will be known as technology transformation leaders in the future. And I would like to underline again that the first.”technology transformation leaders of the textile industry will happily come out of Denizli.