The Regulation on the Implementation of the Law on International Labor Force Entered Into Force

Recent development

The Regulation on the Implementation of the Law on International Labor Force (“ Regulation “) issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (“ Ministry “) has entered into force. It was published in the Official Gazette dated 2 February 2022 and numbered 31738. In addition, the Regulation on the Implementation of the Law on Work Permits for Foreign Nationals (“ Repealed Regulation “), which was in effect before 2 February 2022, has been abolished.

What does the Regulation state?

With the Regulation, the determination, implementation and monitoring of policies regarding the international labor force, the procedures, principles, authorities and responsibilities related to work permits and work permit exemptions to be granted to foreign individuals, and rights and obligations in the field of the international labor force have been reregulated.

The new regulations and changes introduced with the Regulation are mainly as follows:


With the Regulation, the determination, implementation and monitoring of policies regarding the international labor force, the procedures, principles, authorities and responsibilities related to work permits and work permit exemptions to be granted to foreign individuals, and rights and obligations in the field of the international labor force have been reregulated. It is regulated that the existing practices will continue to be applied until the necessary administrative and technical studies for certain new regulations are completed. Information on the completion of these studies will be announced on the Ministry’s website.