Turkey Publishes Bank Client Confidentiality Regulation

Recent Developments

Article 73 of the Banking Law No. 5411 (“ Law “) authorizes the Banking Regulatory and Supervisory Authority (“ BRSA “) to determine the scope, form, procedures and principles regarding the sharing and transferring of client information. Accordingly, the BRSA previously published the “Draft Regulation on the Sharing of Client Information”, which we analyzed in our Legal Alert dated February 23, 2021 . Accordingly, the Regulation on Disclosure of Client Information (the “ Regulation “) was published in the Official Gazette dated June 4, 2021 and No. 31501. The Regulation will enter into force on January 1, 2022.

What’s New?

Confidentiality Obligation:

With its entry into force on January 1, 2021, the Regulation will clarify many questions regarding the implementation of Article 73 of the Law.

Disclosure of Client Secret
As part of confidentiality obligation, client’s request or instruction is necessary for the disclosure of client secret data to third parties resident in Turkey and abroad.

Client secret data can only be disclosed to third parties without client request or instruction under following situations under banking laws.

Transactions That Constitute Client Request or Instruction Exemptions from Requirement to Obtain Client Request or Instruction
Initiation of the transaction or order entries through distribution channels of electronic banking services by the client for transactions as domestic/international fund transfers, international letter of credit, letter of guarantee and reference letter if:
  • interaction with bank, payment service provider, securities settlement, or payment or messaging systems is necessary due to the nature of the transaction; and
  • disclosure of client secrets is mandatory for the completion of the transaction.
  • Disclosure of information with legally authorized persons and institutions
  • Provided that there is a confidentiality agreement between parties and disclosure is limited to the stated purposes
    • Disclosures between banks and financial institutions,
    • Disclosures for the preparation of consolidated financial reports, risk management and internal audit purposes
    • Disclosures as part of valuation/assessment works for the sale of shares directly or indirectly representing ten percent or more of the shares of the bank or bank assets,
    • Disclosures to service providers in connection with assessment, rating or support services, independent audits or the procurement of services.
  • Disclosure of confidential information that is not a client secret, but only a bank secret, and that relates only to the bank may be shared with third parties pursuant to a board of directors’ resolution of the bank.
  • Providing verification to public institutions according to a client request
  • Disclosure of information regarding persons that are parties to a dispute that the bank is also a party in and other information deemed bank secret with authorized institutions and authorized representatives of the bank
  • Disclosure of information for the purposes of client identification or information regarding accounts and transactions within the same financial group

Exemptions from confidentiality obligation do not apply to disclosure of health and sexual life data to third parties, even if such data constitutes client secret.