Turkey Publishes Industrial Zones Regulation

Recent Development

The Ministry of Industry and Technology (“ Ministry “) published the Regulation on the Industrial Zones (“ Regulation “) in the Official Gazette on August 6, 2019. The Regulation contains detailed provisions on the establishment, management and operation of mixed/specialized industrial zones, exclusive investment sites and private industrial zones.

What’s New?

Mixed/Specialized Industrial Zones

Specialized industrial zones refers to regions utilized by advanced technology sectors specified in the government’s development plans and operating in areas such as information technology, medical technology and agro-industry. In that regard, the Regulation provides detailed regulations on the procedures for the establishment and declaration of specialized industry zones.

Application Process

Applicant and Investors’ Obligations

Ministry Allowance

Expropriation, Servitude and Utilization Permit

Zoning and Subdivision Plans

Investor Permit

Exclusive Investment Zones

Exclusive investment zones refer to the areas allocated for investments in the primary sectors stated in the development plans or investments relating to high or medium-high technologies that meet the Ministry’s criteria. The application procedures followed for specialized industrial zones will be largely applicable to the exclusive investment zones.

The Application Process and Additional Requirements

Servitude and Utilization Permit

Zoning and Subdivision Plans, Licenses and Permits

Private Industrial Zones

Application Process and Additional Requirements

Servitude and Utilization Permit

Zoning Plan and Subdivision Plan

Licenses and Permits


The Ministry continues to take legislative steps to support the industrial sector and improve local production activities. Accordingly, the Regulation revised the application procedures for the establishment of industrial zones.