HP Proliant DL380 G8 sunucu üzerinde yüklü olan VMware ESXi 5.5 Update 1 işletim sisteminden VMware ESXi 5.5 Update 2 sürümüne yükseltme işlemi sırasında alınan “ValueError: Cannot merge VIBs Mellanox_bootbank_net-mst_2.0.0.0-1OEM.550.0.0.472560, Mellanox_bootbank_net-mst_2.0.0.0-1OEM.550.0.0.472560 with unequal payloads attributes ([net-mst: 8.250 KB], [net-mst: 8.242 KB])” hatasının giderilmesini inceliyor olacağız.
Sunucu üzerinde bulunan “ Mellanox ” üreticisine ait ağ ve infinibant kartlarında VMware ESXi 5.5 sürüm yükseltilmesinde sürücü hatasından dolayı aşağıdaki hata ile karşılaşmanıza neden olur.
Bu sorunu gidermek için sırasıyla aşağdaki işlemleri yapmanız gerekecektir.
Not: Mellanox’a ait ağ kartlarını listemek için lspci | grep Mellanox komutunu kullanabilirsiniz.
Message: The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective.
VIBs Removed: Mellanox_bootbank_net-mst_2.0.0.0-1OEM.550.0.0.472560
# esxcli software vib install -d /tmp/MLNX-OFED-ESX-
Installation Result
Message: The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective.
Reboot Required: true
VIBs Installed: Mellanox_bootbank_net-ib-addr_1.9.10.0-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820, Mellanox_bootbank_net-ib-cm_1.9.10.0-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820, Mellanox_bootbank_net-ib-core_1.9.10.0-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820, Mellanox_bootbank_net-ib-mad_1.9.10.0-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820, Mellanox_bootbank_net-ib-sa_1.9.10.0-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820, Mellanox_bootbank_net-ib-umad_1.9.10.0-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820, Mellanox_bootbank_net-mlx4-core_1.9.10.0-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820, Mellanox_bootbank_net-mlx4-en_1.9.10.0-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820, Mellanox_bootbank_net-mlx4-ib_1.9.10.0-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820, Mellanox_bootbank_net-rdma-cm_1.9.10.0-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820, Mellanox_bootbank_scsi-ib-iser_1.9.10.0-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820
VIBs Removed:
VIBs Skipped:
~ # esxcli software vib list | grep Mellanox
net-ib-addr Mellanox PartnerSupported 2015-03-13
net-ib-cm Mellanox PartnerSupported 2015-03-13
net-ib-core Mellanox PartnerSupported 2015-03-13
net-ib-mad Mellanox PartnerSupported 2015-03-13
net-ib-sa Mellanox PartnerSupported 2015-03-13
net-ib-umad Mellanox PartnerSupported 2015-03-13
net-mlx4-core Mellanox PartnerSupported 2015-03-13
net-mlx4-en Mellanox PartnerSupported 2015-03-13
net-mlx4-ib Mellanox PartnerSupported 2015-03-13
net-rdma-cm Mellanox PartnerSupported 2015-03-13
scsi-ib-iser Mellanox PartnerSupported 2015-03-13
# esxcli system module list | grep mlx4
mlx4_core true true
mlx4_en true true
mlx4_ib true true
~ # esxcli system module list | grep ib_
ib_core true true
ib_mad true true
ib_sa true true
ib_umad true true
ib_cm true true
ib_addr true true
ib_iser true true
Sunucu yeniden başlatıldıktan sonra sürücülerin yükleneceğinden emin olunur bu işlem için aşağıdaki komutları çalıştırınız.
esxcli system module set -e true -m mlx4_en
esxcli system module set -e true -m mlx4_core
esxcli system module set -e true -m mlx4_ib
Virtual Switch uplink bağlantısını doğrulayınız. vSwich standard switch modundayken Mellanox ağ kartlarının switch uplink switch olarak kullanıldığından emin olunuz. esxcli network vswitch standard list komutu ile uplink portu olarak kullanılan ağ kartınını belirleyiniz. Bu komut çıktısında uplink portu olarak vmnic1 kullanılmaktadır.
# esxcli network vswitch standard list
Name: vSwitch0
Class: etherswitch
Num Ports: 3072
Used Ports: 4
Configured Ports: 128
MTU: 1500
CDP Status: listen
Beacon Enabled: false
Beacon Interval: 1
Beacon Threshold: 3
Beacon Required By:
Uplinks: vmnic1
Portgroups: VM Network, Management Network
esxcli network nic list komutu ile vmnic1 ağ kartının Mellanox üreticisine ait olup-olmadığı kontrol edilir.
# esxcli network nic list
Name PCI Device Driver Link Speed Duplex MAC Address MTU Description
———— ————- ——- —- —– —— —————– —- —————————————————
vmnic0 0000:002:00.0 mlx4_en Up 40000 Full 00:02:c9:a0:9a:10 1500 Mellanox Technologies MT27500 Family [ConnectX-3]
vmnic1 0000:005:00.0 e1000e Up 1000 Full 00:25:90:4f:ea:fa 1500 Intel Corporation 82574L Gigabit Network Connection
vmnic1 000002 0000:002:00.0 mlx4_en Down 0 Half 00:02:c9:a0:9a:11 1500 Mellanox Technologies MT27500 Family [ConnectX-3]
vmnic2 0000:006:00.0 e1000e Down 0 Half 00:25:90:4f:ea:fb 1500 Intel Corporation 82574L Gigabit Network Connection
Çalışan sürücüleri yeniden başlatak için aşağıdaki komutu çalıştırınız.
# /opt/mellanox/bin/openibd.sh restart
/etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog stop
vmkload_mod -u mlx4_ib
Module mlx4_ib successfully unloaded
vmkload_mod -u ib_iser
Module ib_iser successfully unloaded
vmkload_mod -u rdma_cm
Module rdma_cm successfully unloaded
vmkload_mod -u ib_addr
Module ib_addr successfully unloaded
vmkload_mod -u ib_cm
Module ib_cm successfully unloaded
vmkload_mod -u ib_umad
Module ib_umad successfully unloaded
vmkload_mod -u ib_sa
Module ib_sa successfully unloaded
vmkload_mod -u ib_mad
Module ib_mad successfully unloaded
vmkload_mod -u ib_core
Module ib_core successfully unloaded
vmkload_mod -u mlx4_en
Module mlx4_en successfully unloaded
vmkload_mod -u mlx4_core
Module mlx4_core successfully unloaded
vmkload_mod mlx4_core
Module mlx4_core loaded successfully
vmkload_mod mlx4_en
Module mlx4_en loaded successfully
vmkload_mod ib_core
Module ib_core loaded successfully
vmkload_mod ib_mad
Module ib_mad loaded successfully
vmkload_mod ib_sa
Module ib_sa loaded successfully
vmkload_mod ib_umad
Module ib_umad loaded successfully
vmkload_mod ib_cm
Module ib_cm loaded successfully
vmkload_mod ib_addr
Module ib_addr loaded successfully
vmkload_mod rdma_cm
Module rdma_cm loaded successfully
vmkload_mod ib_iser
Module ib_iser loaded successfully
vmkload_mod mlx4_ib
Module mlx4_ib loaded successfully
/etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog start