What amendments are introduced regarding branding supports for foreign exchange earning service sectors?

Pursuant to Presidential Decision No. 5468, the Decision Amending the Decision on Branding Supports for Foreign Exchange Earning Service Sectors, which envisages radical changes in the content of the Decision on Branding Supports for Foreign Exchange Earning Service Sectors, was published in Official Gazette No. 31816 dated 21 April 2022, and entered into force.

Recent development

Pursuant to Presidential Decision No. 2564, the Decision on Branding Supports for Foreign Exchange Earning Service Sectors (“ Decision ”) was published in Official Gazette No. 31132 dated 20 May 2020. The Decision regulates the procedures and principles regarding the expenses related to the branding activities of companies operating in the foreign exchange earning service sectors and resident in Turkey, expenses related to the financial support to be provided within the scope of the TURQUALITY® Program, and all kinds of activities and organizational expenses for the entry and retention of Turkish trademarks in the market.

The Decision Amending the Decision on Branding Supports for Foreign Exchange Earning Service Sectors, which was published in the Official Gazette No. 31816 dated 21 April 2022 (“ Amendment ”) introduces significant updates, especially in terms of the amount of financial support to be provided and the details of the TURQUALITY® Support Program. You can find the Amendment here .

What are the amendments envisaged in the Decision?


The Amendment introduces significant changes in the rates and maximum amounts of support to be provided, especially within the framework of the Trademark Support Program and TURQUALITY® Support Program. It also integrates into the scope of the Decision the updated versions of these amounts in Turkish lira (previously stated in US dollars). Additionally, other matters such as sanctions to be applied and the scope of the Ministry’s authority are also amended comprehensively.