What are the changes in internet domain names dispute resolution practice?

The Internet Domain Names Dispute Resolution Mechanism Communiqué (“ Communiqué “), which regulates the procedures and principles regarding the operation of the dispute resolution mechanism with respect to internet domain names, and the determination of Dispute Resolution Service Providers (“ DRSPs “) and their obligations, was published in the Official Gazette dated 21 August 2013 and numbered 28742. The Communiqué Amending the Internet Domain Names Dispute Resolution Mechanism Communiqué (“ Communiqué Amending the Communiqué “), which envisages radical changes in the Communiqué, was published in the second repetitive Official Gazette dated 30 December 2021 and numbered 31705.

Recent development

Recently, Nic.tr announced that all transactions regarding the allocation and management of “.tr” domain names would be carried out over the “.tr Network Information System” (“ TRABIS “). Upon the transition process from Nic.tr to TRABIS, many transactions and concepts related to “.tr” domain names were altered and some significant amendments to the Communiqué were required. Thus, the Communiqué Amending the Communiqué, which entered into force by being published in the second repetitive Official Gazette dated 30 December 2021 and numbered 31705, harmonized some of the provisions in the Communiqué with TRABIS by detailing their content and introduced some provisional articles with respect to the transition process. You can access the Communiqué Amending the Communiqué here .

What amendments are envisaged in the Communiqué?

  1. The DRSP in question may make a decision.
  2. Another DRSP approved by the ITCA may make a decision.
  3. DRSP and arbitrator fees, terminated and paid by the ITCA, are to be returned by the relevant DRSP.


The Communiqué Amending the Communiqué envisages radical amendments to the Communiqué regulating the operation of the dispute resolution mechanism for “.tr” domain names, the determination of DRSPs and their obligations. Subsequent to the announcement that TRABIS will become operational very soon, provisional articles regarding the transition process have been added to the Communiqué and crucial amendments aiming to harmonize some articles of the Communiqué with TRABIS have been envisaged.