Yasin Borekoglu, the kid on the other side of the line

His works remind the nature.

Thirty of them are to be exhibited in his seventh personal exhibition in Sakarya in November. A world is reflected in the works that both conflicts and conforms the brain and heart, the belief and suspect. In their mysterious deepness, the works cause a dilemma of passing by or halting. Colors are eye-blinding forms are charming and conforming. It reminisced both a figure and letters. It is the world of Yasin Borekoglu with all ciphers and symbols of life and the humans.

Who is Yasin Borekoglu?

A student of Master of Calligraphy Mithat Topac and a painter at Cengelkoy, Istanbul. Born in Adana and a student of Nini Onozden of Kadans Art Center then Sezgin Shola and Serkan Torun in Anatolia Art Center and then Ahmet Hilmi Erel, in Ere_li, Konya, I held my first calligraphy exhibition in 2008.

How started your voyage of painting?

I decided to live in Istanbul and started to do what I like most: painting. I worked hard and prepared an exhibition. It was highly professional. Later on I realized that I enjoy the most what I have done. One worked lead to others. The works got me from inside and put me one place to another, now I travel day and night.

Why do you paints?

At the beginning it was fascinating me. Once I thought that everyone can do what am I doing. Now, I paint to learn new things about myself and about the life in general. For me, it is now a regular work like breathing.

What are your popular themes you liked in your works?

Sufi culture has produced a wealthy of works of art and literature for centuries. The beauty of literature has lead the way to the beauty of transliteration and scripts, namely the art of calligraphy. I try to visualize the inner meanings, inspirations, and the concepts that are blooming in me through verses of Holy Kur’an, hadiths, prays and similar valuable words with forms and letters. I work with a high level of loyalty, a deep love and an unsatisfied self.

You are also known with your face and body paintings. What is your mood in these works?

Colors are composed of the values that we have discovered in the darkness of the universe. There are lots of things that I discovered during painting. I think discovery is my objective of my life. If you look about differently you may discover something. When I got brushes and palette in my hand, I live an amour with them. With them we started a romance and adventure, then I want to show my production process to everyone. My aim is not to be proud about myself, but to show that everybody can paint and produce art. It is like behind the scene instances, funny, entertaining and inspiring.

How many works and personal installations do you have?

I have been producing since I was 13 years old. I did not count them but I held six personal exhibitions for a total of 86 of my works. 74 of them were sold. They were named as “dervish mesreb”, “please love me”, “the point”, “taller than me”, “the hands”, and “please love me” again in 2013.

What were the reactions of visitors?

Since I tried to unite the classical calligraphy with modern painting, some calligraphists criticize my style. There are some that reads my works differently.

What is your understanding about the perfect painting and their components?

The best picture is to be original and conform with the way of life of its owner. I have a mystical mood, and try to live an Islamic way of life. There is an advice in calligraphy culture that says, the perfection comes with persistence.

What can you say about the paintings market in Turkey in general?

The arts in general could not find enough space in popular media. However, there is a growing trend in this regard. More art schools are opening and buyers, experts and events are increasing. We need more experts in art markets. We also should be more keen on the merit rather than the recommendations.

On relations of letters and forms?

For me each letter is a part of a puzzle, each color is indispensable for a colorful voyage. I try to illustrate what I felt.

Who is your master, if you get any training in calligraphy? I tried to get the most from Ahmet Hilmi Erel when I was a student in Adana. Since 2010 I have been living in Istanbul and keep my training of classical calligraphy for my master Mithat Topaç.