Yin-Yang in Customer Interactions

Since we are living in the era of information sharing, we must have all become acquainted with the terms such as personal development, yoga, meditation and eastern philosophy.

If you ask me how this is connected with our subject, please let me explain it in a nutshell. 🙂

Yin-Yang is an ancient philosophical discipline. Making it short, we can call it good and bad. However, having a look at the symbol, you will see opposite poles involving their opposites inside. Which means that the bad in good and the good in bad.

We are carrying on our operations with the magic word of optimum in our call centers, contact center centers, interaction centers; even I am not sure how to define… 🙂

Carrying on our operations, we are used to utilizing many statistical reports for our analyses of efficiency, quality, resource, profitability and loyalty. Data we obtain from these reports leads us in every aspect. We measure satisfaction and take measures just as we analyze quality and measure our achievements.

I will try to draw your attention on the subject from a different point of view.  How much do we believe in our statistical reports that provide us with excellent data? Are we sure if they reflect what we think that exist in reality and that is experienced under any conditions as the result of mathematical calculations?

It may sound weird but unfortunately no…

I will try to explain you how important it is.

We have goal sets and criteria in all operations.  AHT, SL, QM, etc. We are selecting the best performing  agents and the best serving teams by means of this data.

For example, let us take the maximum acceptable target call length for an operation as 2 minutes. From the common point of view, the optimum call center agent would normally be the one who takes the calls in the shortest times and accordingly the most of them.

In order to verify this, you will be checking over the ACD and CTI reports. That which will statistically provide you with such information.

You may confirm such data or not, while you re-listen to your agent’s records taken for quality purposes. Within the quality process where sampling method is used, it must be hard to confirm this by evaluating to 2 or 3 calls.

Have you ever thought that the agents who are selected the best customer agents ended the calls without rendering the required full service during their interactions with the customers, and therefore the reports would select them as the best agent?

Therefore, I hope that it is now clearly understood why I have started my article with mentioning about Yin-Yang.

We must never acknowledge the data provided to us by the reporting instruments as 100% accurate and involve into our processes as sole references. Maybe, the one that is the most popular could be a bad factor that affects your customer satisfaction, but even considering many parameters

This is only an example; since there are many cases such as these, this point of view is very important.

We definitely have to reexamine and verify our statistical data by means of data mining and interaction analytics solutions that are easily accessible in our day.

The KPIs that we determine by means of these systems would interpret not only the few data such as quality management, but all data available, and present you the open issues that are unrecognizable in such type of analyses.

Along with the development of the artificial intelligence system and algorithm that we hear about much in our day, such type of data mining and analytic solutions will be instruments that -in a manner of speaking- will be placed in the hearts of all interaction centers in the future.

Hope to see you in another article.

Haluk Yetkin