Electric Distribution and Transmission In Turkey

Electric Distribution and Transmission In Turkey
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Institutions and organizations which are responsible for electric distribution and transmission in Turkey and their legal grounds by taking account of their duties and hyriearchic structures 4628 numbered Act defined the main frame of the institutions and organizations which are responsible for electric transmission and distribution. The purpose of the act is to provide transparent, stabilized, low cost and financially strong electric market functioning with competitive rules in accordance with private law provisions where consumers benefit from sufficient, well qualified and continious electricity. Additionaly, the purpose is to establish independent supervision. The act numbered 4628 encompasses production of electricity, distribution, wholesale, retail sale, retail sale service and all rights and obligations of personal and legal entities related with export and import activities. It also encompasses the procedures related to the establishment of Electric Market Regulatory Authority and its working principles and procedures. In this act, the definitions below means following:

1. Ministry: Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources

2. Minister: Minister of Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources

3. TEAS : Electric Production Transmision Inc. Of Turkey

4. TEDAS: Electric Distribution Inc. Of Turkey

5. EPDK:Energy Market Regulatory Authority

Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources

Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources had been established with the act numbered 3154 .

The duty of ministry is to help define targets and policies related to energy and natural resources in a way that serves and guarantees the defense of the country, security, welfare, and strengthening of the national economy; and to ensure that energy and natural resources are researched, developed, generated and consumed in a way that is compatible with said targets and policies. The Article 2 of 4th paragraph of the act numbered 3154 establishing ministry holds that one of the other duty of ministry is to provide coordination of energy transmission, distribution, investigation of facilities, foundations and general policies of enterprises? services and its supervision.


This institution had been established by the Electric Market Act numbered 4628. According to Article 5 paragraph 6th establishing Authority, the authority is responsible to make necessary regulations in order to provide reliable, qualified, continuous electric energy service for consumers. According to sentence (e) of the article, one of the other duty of authority is to determine the security standards and conditions regarding production, transmission, distribution enterprises,autoproducer and facilities of autoproducer groups . According to sentence h of the article, authority has duty to determine the rules and procedures in order to prevent declaration of all sensitive type of informations related to trade including trade secrets and confidential informations related to competiton. Additionally, ministry has duty to monitor security of supply concerning electric energy and has to take necessary measures for it.


TEIAS is responsible for electric transmission system and electric transmission activity. In the context of the act numbered 4628: Transmission: The transport of electricity through lines higher than 36 kV,

Transmission System: Electricity transmission facilities and grid;

TEDAS is responsible for electric distribution system and activitiy. It distributes electricty which is obtained from TEIAS to regional distributor enterprises. Dstribution system: Electric distribution system facilities which are owned and governed by regional distribution enterprises Distribution: Transfer of electric energy below 36 kV and less than 36kv


Organized Industrial Zones: These are organisations which are responsible of electric distribution in organized industrial zones.
Legal entities which are established in accordance to Act of Organized Industrial Zones numbered 4562 engage in distribution and production activity in the light of Turkish

Commercial Law numbered 6762 on the condition of having licence from the institution without seeking condition for permission of company establishment. Legal entities of organized industrial zones are considered as eligible consumers regardless of their consumption amount aiming at covering electric need. The consumers who exceeds eligible consumer limit among participants of organized industrial zone have right to select its provider on the condition of payment is done related to distribution cost. The prices of electricty produced by organized industrial zones and distribution costs are determined by the EPDK in consultation with Industry and Commerce Ministry.