How to Get Turkish Citizenship?

Konu Başlıkları

Although there is more than one way to obtain Turkish citizenship, the path, process and documents to be followed for each foreign person will vary. In order to obtain Turkish citizenship, the foreign person must have fulfilled the following conditions.

How to Become a Turkish Citizen?

1- Citizenship by Birth

Turkish citizenship acquired by birth is automatically acquired on the basis of lineage or place of birth. Citizenship acquired by birth takes effect from the moment of birth.

2- Citizenship Acquired by Pedigree

A child born to a Turkish citizen mother or father in marriage or outside Turkey is a Turkish citizen. A child born out of wedlock to a Turkish citizen mother and a foreign father is also a Turkish citizen.

3- Citizenship by Place of Birth

A child born in Turkey who cannot acquire citizenship of any country by birth due to foreign parents is a Turkish citizen from birth. A child who has been in Turkey is deemed to have been born in Turkey unless otherwise proven.

4- Subsequent Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship

Turkish citizenship acquired subsequently is realized by the decision of the competent authority or by adoption or the exercise of the right to choose.

a- Citizenship Acquired by the Decision of the Competent Authority

A foreigner who wants to acquire Turkish citizenship can acquire Turkish citizenship with the decision of the competent authority if he meets the conditions specified in the Law. However, meeting the required conditions does not provide an absolute right to acquire citizenship.

A citizenship file is prepared on behalf of foreigners who meet the necessary conditions for application among foreigners who want to acquire Turkish citizenship by the decision of the competent authority and are sent to the Ministry for a decision. Those who are found suitable as a result of the examination and research to be carried out by the Ministry can acquire Turkish citizenship with the decision of the Ministry, while the requests of those who are not found suitable are rejected by the Ministry.

The procedures for acquiring Turkish citizenship are carried out by the Ministry. The acquisition of Turkish citizenship by the decision of the competent authority does not affect the citizenship of the spouse.

b- Acquiring Turkish Citizenship Through Adoption

A minor who has been adopted by a Turkish citizen may acquire Turkish citizenship as of the date of the decision, provided that he does not have a situation that would constitute an obstacle in terms of national security and public order.

c- Acquiring Turkish Citizenship by Using the Right to Choose

Children who lose their Turkish citizenship due to their parents can acquire Turkish citizenship by using their right to choose within three years from their adulthood.

Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship by Marriage

Marriage with a Turkish citizen does not directly acquire Turkish citizenship. However, foreigners who have been married to a Turkish citizen for at least three years and whose marriage continues can apply to acquire Turkish citizenship.

In applicants;

Exceptionally Acquisition of Turkish Citizenship

In the cases listed in Article 12 of the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901, the foreigners listed below can acquire Turkish citizenship upon the proposal of the Ministry and the decision of the Council of Ministers, regardless of the other conditions sought in the acquisition of Turkish citizenship in general, provided that foreigners do not have a situation that would constitute an obstacle in terms of national security and public order.

Acquiring Turkish Citizenship as an Immigrant

The citizenship file of people who are accepted as immigrants after their procedures are completed according to the Settlement Law No. 5543 is prepared by the provincial directorate of migration administration and sent to the Ministry. The file of the foreigner sent to the Ministry to acquire Turkish citizenship is examined and a proposal is made to the Council of Ministers for the person to acquire Turkish citizenship. Turkish citizenship can be acquired by the decision of the Council of Ministers.

Provided that there is no obstacle in terms of national security and public order, persons who are accepted as immigrants can acquire Turkish citizenship upon the proposal of the Ministry and the decision of the Council of Ministers.

Turkish Citizenship Acquisition of TRNC Citizens

Persons who are citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus by birth and wish to acquire Turkish citizenship, if they declare in writing that they want to become Turkish citizens, acquire Turkish citizenship with the decision of the Ministry.

Re-acquisition of Turkish Citizenship Subject to Residence Conditions

Those who have lost their Turkish citizenship pursuant to Article 29, may regain their Turkish citizenship by the decision of the President, and those who have lost their Turkish citizenship pursuant to Article 34, by the decision of the Ministry, provided that they do not have a situation that may pose an obstacle in terms of national security and have resided in Turkey for three years.

Re-acquiring Turkish Citizenship Without Requirement of Residence

Pursuant to Article 13 of the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901, the persons stated below can regain their Turkish citizenship by the decision of the Ministry, regardless of their residence period in Turkey, provided that they do not have a situation that may constitute an obstacle in terms of national security.

Turkish Citizenship Requirements

For foreigners who want to acquire Turkish citizenship:

Documents Required for Turkish Citizenship

It is important to prepare documents such as the birth certificate, marital status certificate of the foreigner in accordance with their purpose and in an apostilled form.

Exceptional Circumstances in Acquiring Turkish Citizenship

The requests of the following persons will be rejected by the Ministry:

Turkey Citizenship Fee

The real estate value desired for Turkish citizenship was determined as 250 thousand dollars with the “Regulation on Amending the Regulation on the Implementation of the Turkish Citizenship Law” published in the Official Gazette on September 18, 2018.

After the cabinet meeting held on April 12, 2022, preparations are being made to increase the real estate value required for Turkish citizenship from 250 thousand dollars to 400 thousand dollars, and the regulation will come into force after its publication in the Official Gazette.

Citizenship Application

Applications for the acquisition of Turkish citizenship are made to the governorship of the place of residence (provincial directorate of population and citizenship) in the country, and to the foreign representations abroad, either in person or with a special power of attorney regarding the exercise of this right. Applications made by mail are not accepted.

If you meet the conditions required in the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901, it is possible to re-evaluate your citizenship status if you apply to the governorship of your place of residence.

Citizenship applications of foreigners are evaluated by the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs; The decision regarding the acquisition of Turkish Citizenship by persons who do not have any obstacles in terms of national security and public order shall be submitted to the approval of the President. The final decision is made by the President.

Citizenship Appointment

Applications for the acquisition of Turkish citizenship are made to the governorship (provincial population and citizenship directorate) where the place of residence is located in the country, and to foreign representations abroad, either in person or with a special power of attorney regarding the use of this right. Applications made by mail are not accepted.

Citizenship Application Inquiry

The Application No, the status of the citizenship application of the person applying for citizenship, together with the date of birth, on the address of, “Vatandaşlık Başvurum Ne Aşamada?” will be able to follow.

Turkish Citizenship Application Form

You can access the Turkish Citizenship Application Form on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Turkey, General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs.